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Joyce Parker Hyde

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Person Of The Week
Re: It's time to honor the winner of the 125th Person of the Week award!!!
12/18/2007 10:04:41 AM
I do believe I gravitated towards you because you exemplify my deeply held  beliefs about human character.
Experience is the only thing that can mold a person's character.
It pains me to see our country trapped in the cause and effect destruction, generated  by a generation of parents who feel they must protect every child from every bump and scrape life may give them.
Reading about character or seeing it in a movie just doesn't do it.
It has to be done -as your life clearly shows by reaching inside yourself to find the right choices that will take you where you want to go.
Finding a way to do for yourself more than letting others do it for you; taking on each new responsibility without complaint or blame.
Your example should go home with every new mother-like they sent us home with similac and enfamil to give our babies-I digress!:)

Sam Sunday

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Re: It's time to honor the winner of the 125th Person of the Week award!!!
12/18/2007 10:19:06 AM

Hi John and Pauline,

Thanks for a great job and many more thanks to the community for voting a wonderful lady, a teacher of most beautiful character as our queen of the week.

My head Teacher, Mary!
You deserved this crown so much and I congratulate you for finally wearing it. It marks the continuation of your success and I am bless to have known you and remain your student and friend in the community. Thank you for everything.


Jason Lamure

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Re: It's time to honor the winner of the 125th Person of the Week award!!!
12/18/2007 10:25:58 AM
Hi Mary!

Congatulations on being voted POTW.

I found real inspiration just reading your Bio.

You've made a great choice in joining UVME it will
be even bigger than it is now and UVME is only
in pre-launch now!



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Len Berghoef

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Person Of The Week
Re: It's time to honor the winner of the 125th Person of the Week award!!!
12/18/2007 11:17:03 AM

Hi Mary,

Congratulations on being voted the POTW! 
You are deserving of this honor.

Enjoy being this weeks Queen of Adland!

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


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M. Thomas

462 Posts
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Re: It's time to honor the winner of the 125th Person of the Week award!!!
12/18/2007 4:30:37 PM
Congrats to Mary!
M. Thomas., Shopping For Dollars LLC Independent OurGV Rewards Affiliate

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