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Eating Disorders, Yes, they are for real
12/13/2007 9:51:20 PM
Ally Vanderbilt
Joined: 05 Oct 2005
Eating Disorders and Mental illness
Posted: Dec 11, 2005 09:56 AM
Hi everyone,

I have been asked to share with you my views on mental illness and eating disorders.

Most of you know me, I am a 25 yr old mother of a wonderful, very active 4 yr old. For many years I have faught a mental illness since age 12. I am a survior of Anorexia and Bulimia. Do I struggle sometimes Yes, do I know the warning signs when I feel it approaching? Yes.

I have a forum here in Adland about Warning Signs.. only silly me put warning sings. (Blush)

I was asked by Willaim to share my experiances with mental illness and eating disorders.

Eating Disorders are something that is just now in the last 10 years are now coming to light. Research is being done on how eating disorders orginate and why people do this.

Eating Disorders are not just for Anorexics or Bulimics obedicy is also an eating disorder.

I will do my homework tonight and have some researched information to share.

Have a great Day

Ally Vanderbilt
Joined: 05 Oct 2005
Re: Eating Disorders and Mental illness
Posted: Aug 25, 2006 10:33 PM

Hello Friends,

My homework on eating disorders from what I know and lived and what others have lived.

My life with eating disorders:  When I left home at age 12 to move in with Daddy, I was highly depressed, home sick and didn't feel welcomed home with Daddy. I was not allowed to talk to my mom much only a 5 minte phone call was allowed, so I couldn't talk to my sisters or my dad.  Daddy was never in my life and when he caught word that my parents wanted to put me in a group home, that is when daddy interviend. Needless to say.. being new to a school was hard, I had no friends...was not allowed to have friends so it was a living nightmare being picked on in school. So I found comfort in not eating. I was 12 weighing 48 pounds.  There was no controll in my life, I know kids don't need controll at that age, but they do need some. Like daddy or my step mom (Lynn) would pick my clothes out for the next day, tell me how to wear my hair, etc.  One day in school I got very sick and passed out in the hallway. The school called Lynn and Daddy was pissed because she had to pick me up from school.  Then daddy would force me to eat. It would take me 2-3 hrs to eat a small meal.   I hated eating, I hated being with daddy.   I wanted to go home with my family.

Back then Drs would classify eating disorders as Malnutrition.  Back then Eating Disorders were never really heard of.  I developed rituals such as making sure canned foods were all together such as corn lined up with corn, pease with peas, etc.  My plate food was not allowed to touch each other, I would use different colored pens to write my essays, and my clothes had to be in color order.  I would wear baggy clothes to hide my thinness. In my eyes I looked and felt fat. In reality I was a walking skeloton with skin.

Not realizing then I WAS KILLING MYSELF slowly. 

Looking back now and seeing myself and what I did was stupid, and it is a life long disease.  Yes I do struggle. Before I moved in with Bill, I did not eat for like 2 weeks, and when I did move in with him it still took me a few days to start eating again . Bill would sit down with me and help me with a diet that I could eat and get healthy. After many long talks with Bill, he finally got me to agree to a meal plan. He asked me to just try to eat one once of food at a time but try it several times a day. For breakfast, mabe a piece of fruit or a little bit of cereal. A few hours later, he would make me a little salad. He would just give me a little bit each time but it would always be something different. Fruit, vegetables, maybe some soup. After about a week or so of this I finally began eating more normal portions and actually began to gain a little weight back. It was a hard struggle to make myself eat, but my daughter needs me. I had no self esteem or self worth, no idea who I was, what I was about and what my purpose was here in life. And now I KNOW. I am here to share my story.

Did I struggle during pregnancy? YES! I had no cravings during my pregnancy, I ate only when I was hungry, I had to force myself to eat. So my baby would be healthy, THANK GOD she came out 5 pounds 9 ounces. She is very healthy and happy now..she weighs 36 pounds and a li'l over 3 ft tall.

Here is some information on Anorexia Nervosa:


Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia nervosa is a dangerous condition in which people can literally starve themselves to death. People with this disorder eat very little even though they are already thin. They have an intense and overpowering fear of body fat and weight gain, repeated dieting attempts, and excessive weight loss. This particular eating disorder affects from 0.5% to 1% of the female adolescent population with an average age of onset between 14 and 18 years.3 Anorexia is identified in part by refusal to eat, an intense desire to be thin, repeated dieting attempts, and excessive weight loss. To maintain an abnormally low weight, people with anorexia may diet, fast, or over exercise. They often engage in behaviors such as self-induced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas. People with anorexia believe that they are overweight even when they are extremely thin. Often, the beginning of illness will occur after a stressful life event such as initiation of puberty or moving out of the parents' home.

Those with anorexia are often characterized as perfectionists and overachievers who appear to be in control. In reality, they suffer from low self-esteem and confidence and overly criticize themselves. They are also very concerned about pleasing others.

Complications - The most severe and noticeable consequences of anorexia nervosa resemble those of starvation. The body reacts to the lack of food by becoming extremely thin, developing brittle hair and nails, dry skin, lowered pulse rate, cold intolerance, and constipation as well as occasional diarrhea. In addition, mild anemia, reduced muscle mass, loss of menstrual cycle and swelling of joints often accompany anorexia.

Beyond experiencing the immediate effects of anorexia nervosa, individuals suffer long-term consequences throughout the life cycle, regardless of treatment. In addition to the risks of recurrence, malnutrition may cause irregular heart rhythms and heart failure. Lack of calcium places anorexics at increased risk for osteoporosis both during their illness and in later life. A majority of anorexics also have clinical depression while others suffer from anxiety, personality disorders or substance abuse, and many are at risk for suicide. Approximately 1 in 10 women afflicted with anorexia will die of starvation, cardiac arrest, or other medical complication, making its death rate among the highest for a psychiatric disease.

 Soon I will discuss Bulimia Nervosa


Thank you all for taking time in learning more about this disease and hopefully it will help someone out there. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

Dodadagohvi, Aisv Nv Wa do hi ya oo
(Until we meet again, Walk in peace)


May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy
Thomas Richmond

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Re: Eating Disorders, Yes, they are for real
12/13/2007 11:19:37 PM
Is there for some reason Bill you guys arent getting any notices?  Im sure you had alot of help in questions to that. Anyway to address my warm expression with you two, it takes alot of guts (no pun intended) to comeout and speak about your inner most feelings , trust me, i know. As a friend i wish you all a great holiday and as a priest i have you all in my list of prayers as a ritual i go out walk about 1/2 mile from the house and im on the Pacific ocean crying out to God boy is ever cold sometimes, 6 am sometimes im out there. God_bless you both and the little ones as well. Love Thomas.
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Donna Zuehl

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Re: Eating Disorders, Yes, they are for real
12/14/2007 12:01:09 AM

Hi Ally,

I am glad you are sharing your story. It can help you heal and can help others who have this disorder.

Stay strong! Think positive. Your family needs you and loves you.


Nick Sym

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Re: Eating Disorders, Yes, they are for real
12/14/2007 1:06:07 AM
Just For You My Friend !

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Re: Eating Disorders, Yes, they are for real
12/14/2007 5:41:38 AM

Greetings All

    Thomas, my dear friend. Thank you for your kind reply. Actually, the date on this post might be a bit misleading. Ally started this thread on my forum back when we first met but never got any replies. I felt like it was an important topic, especially around the holidays, so I decided to copy and paste it to give her a fresh start. Also, this is a message of hope to those who are struggling with eating disorders since Ally has overcome hers now. She has been doing very well for a long time so I hope she can inspire others. Merry Christmas Cowboy.

    Donna, how have you been. I hope you have found answers for your fibromyalgia. You too have been an inspiration in helping people deal with their illnesses. It is all about sharing experience and knowledge. Many blessings to you Donna and May you and your Loved Ones have a very Merry Christmas.

   Nick, what can I say. You are always there on my forums with your words of inspiration and prayers. I can't thank you enough. Speaking of prayers, Isn't it wonderful how Baby Kaleb has been recovering from his terrible injuries. Truly a miracle. Now we have to pray hard for little Elizabeth Westberry and Ivory. They need a miracle in their lives now to help them through their suffering. Merry Christmas to you and Your Loved Ones Nick and Thank You for always being there when you are called upon.

Elizabeth Westberry, we send you our love,our prayers and our healing light. 
May a smile follow you to sleep each night,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
           and be there waiting,,, when you awaken.
Sincerly, Bill Vanderbilt
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May a smile follow you to sleep each night and,,,,,be there waiting,,,,,when you awaken Sincerely, Billdaddy

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