
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: To LAWNCHAIR MILLIONAIRE MEMBERS...can any of you tell me the name of the owner and are they...
12/15/2007 6:16:37 PM

Don't change the title of threads I started in my own forum.

I looked at every page of LCM, the FAQs, Details, every  page, and on none of the pages does it mention additional expenditure needed for the debit card.  Besides that, why does the price of the debit card vary according to how many personal referrals members get?  The price of the card should remain the same no matter what, it should remain at the lowest price possible for all members.  LCM leaves out so much information, it's ridiculous.  People who are spending $80 or more deserve full disclosure of all information BEFORE spending any money.

By the way, none of you members of LCM have said whether or not you know the names of the owners.  

Have you visited the 123Cash website I mentioned in a previous post?  Go here and click on the FAQ page and you'll see the difference between a good informative FAQ page compard to zippola on the LCM FAQ page.

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: To LAWNCHAIR MILLIONAIRE MEMBERS...oh it was Linda who changed the title...7 pages of NOTHING from LCM:
12/15/2007 6:29:59 PM

This is the email message you'll get after you enter your email address when you first visit, I removed my activation code, I don't even think that's important, who knows!:

<< Hello Kathleen

We have generated a PRIVATE activation code that is for you and only you. Please do not share this with others.

Your activation code is: ___________

Simply type or copy and paste your private code into the box provided on our web site.

If you need assistance for any reason please do not hesitate to call our Toll Free activation line at 1-877-774-1712.

Have a pen and paper available as the voice message you will hear will have something for you to write down.

The Team at Lawn Chair Millionaire >>


When you call the number, all they tell you is the URL to visit to enter your activation code and email address, no details about the business on the voicemail message.

Here are the pages at the site after you enter the code and your email, read carefully, you won't see ANY mention about a debit card or extra expenditures, not even on the JOIN page:

Your Money:





Join Now:


OKAY, NOW tell me how this company thinks it's okay to tell people AFTER they have already spent $80 that they need to spend MORE money on a debit card so they can get paid???   They had 6 or 7 pages to mention that BEFORE people spent $80, but somehow they FORGOT???  I don't think so!!!

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Re: To LAWNCHAIR MILLIONAIRE MEMBERS...can any of you tell me the name of the owner and are they...
12/15/2007 8:26:22 PM

I QUIT LawnChairMillionaire today and learned a $50 dollar lesson.  Here's the e-mail I received.  Note there's no mention of the $30 being refunded to me.

Hi Gunther!

This is an official notice that your Lawn Chair Millionaire account was closed on 2007-12-14.

It is important for you to know that you will retain ownership of any personal prospects and members, as well as commissions earned from the compensation plan (excluding Moneyline Pool monthly earnings) for the next 14 days.

After 14 days pass your personal prospects and members will roll to your upline sponsor and unclaimed commissions will be retained by Lawn Chair Millionaire.

To reactivate your account please log into the Members site and follow the instructions given.

Your Lawn Chair Millionaire login information is as follows:

Web Site:

Thank you for the opportunity to work with you in Lawn Chair Millionaire.

The Team at Lawn Chair Millionaire

All the members posting their "earnings" here please remember you have to have your downline staying in for 60 days before you get paid.

Gunther G. - GENGRO Accounting and Business Consulting Services GENerating GROwth for Business and Individuals since 1991
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Re: To LAWNCHAIR MILLIONAIRE MEMBERS...can any of you tell me the name of the owner and are they...
12/16/2007 6:50:05 AM
I'd be willing to bet that nobody receives any of this money the site claims.  It's all fine & great to say you're going to make over $200, but unfortunately nobody even knows if they're going to actually RECEIVE the money.

I hope not, for the sake of some of you folks - but I think this is going to turn into one of those deals where everyone but the creators of the site/program are going to be left holding the short end of the stick.
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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Re: To LAWNCHAIR MILLIONAIRE MEMBERS...can any of you tell me the name of the owner and are they...
12/16/2007 5:41:39 PM

Hi Jeff and everyone,

I heard that the owners of LCM, whoever they are, put a lot of study into creating this business.  

From what I gather...

1. They obviously studied psychological scare tactics, how to get people to quickly join something by showing us rapidly increasing amounts of money on a website and saying that amount of money will decrease if we take too long to decide to join.  That's a high-pressure tactic bordering on duress.

2. They studied how to generate a double opt-in list, first visitors need to enter our email address and first  name, then after receiving the email from them, on the second visit we need to enter the activation code and our email address again.  That's what's known as a verified double opt-in.  LCM can now sell all those email addresses with first names, and also sell the full postal addresses of the people who paid, they can sell that information over and over to list companies.  LCM is raking in a huge backend income from everyone's contact information.  Do you know how valuable the names and addresses of buyers are?  VERY valuable, and LCM can make multiple sales of the same list. 

3. They studied how to deceive people about the investment involved.  They put together a multi-page website which deliberately left out information on additional costs, and then they have the gall to charge people extra for the payout debit cards if they make fewer referrals or no referrals.  LCM is charging people money if those members don't make any sign-ups.  That in itself sounds absolutely illegal, to be expected to pay MORE for the card that pays you, just because you don't recruit, even though the business says "no recruiting necessary."



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