Hi Michele,
as promised I'm back,even it took a few days, but you are not forgotten. You are by profession a nurse, very well, you will understand some basics concerning the human body. If I use expressions which are uncommon to you please don't hesitate to ask. If it is private, and not for use on this forum, simply write a private mail. What I have to share is in some extend useful for all members. This is not meant to be a lesson in pathology or physiology or a lesson at all. It's an advice and this is for sure, if you are prepared to follow the road I have mapped, things will change to the better. One step to the next. There will be no promises that you are pain free tomorrow, only my commitment to coach you through the woods of information, which becomes more confusing every day. Let's start with a statement of mine, harsh but true. 90% of the health advisers and so called natural healers, with all their promising products are bogus.5% are best trying hobbyist's and 5% deliver. By this time you have figured out who is talking to you.
Enough nonsense written, let's do some work.
To begin please download the book from dr. Asai on organic germanium. If somebody is not in the state or the condition to control his pain, this is a natural pain reliever. It is better than morphine and has not a single adverse reaction. The next action could be, have a look where you can find the book from Candace B. Pert PhD "Molecules of Emotion", this is very helpful for the understanding from being drugged and the relation to stress hormones. Stress hormones are one of the most know pain triggers.
The main advise, if you are not doing it already.
Breathe as deep as possible and as often as you can during the day. This is a main issue for all of us. We need oxygen as much as we can get. All our cells are depend on regular supply of this live giving gas. In our exchange rates of Na+-K+ ( sodium-potassium) pumps in our cells, oxygen is needed to turn on the electricity, that gives the eye the power to see, the brain the power to work, and so forth.
Our bodies were created to heal themselves. When people learn to work with laws of nature by understanding the healing process, it becomes clear that drugs, and surgery, are not the best solution to any of the health related problems.
Gives the body what he needs and make sure he discharges what he doesn't. And a great step to a healthy life is done.
Pain can be beaten, but I have to admit it is not an easy task. Every person reacts different, thinks different, is grown up different and senses his pain on a personal level.
And to save my butts some addition, I do not intend to keep anybody away from his medical adviser. Because I know some are good.
Depending from your response or other friends, interested in more general or some in more detail, I design my strategy to reply.
Take care best wishes Bernd