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Re: Welcome to my Forum..Please read
12/7/2007 9:29:35 AM
Hi Donna,
Its nice to meet you as well!

I look forward to being your friend:)

take care

Sandy Morgan

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Re: Welcome to my Forum..Please read
12/7/2007 7:24:29 PM

Not being a medical person, I'll relate how Dr. Keller, renown throught the country for his work, explains MAX GXL.

We are born with a natural anti-oxident called glutathione. At 20 yrs of age, the body no longer  produces glutathione, thus begins the aging process (scary thought, huh?).  Its purpose is to keep your cells clean so they work properly.

Without  glutathione, cells  get dirty, like a pipe gets rusty. When this begins to happen, we start to feel the effects of aging, one of which is pain.

Dr. Keller found a way to put the correct combination of natural ingredients together into a pill to clean cells. It  is now patended by the FDA.

I hope this was informative.  Since using  MAX GXL, 2 of my froends have started taking it due to seeing how my quality of  life has improved!

Beryl Payton

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Re: Welcome to my Forum..Please read
12/8/2007 1:38:50 AM

Hi Michele,

Thank you for the invite to join this nice forum.  I sent you an invitation to join my circle of friends.

This is a subject close to my heart, as my mother has had 3 back surgeries and was due to have another.  She was in the hospital awaiting it, when her doctor never showed up for hours after the time the surgery was to begin, she began to inquire as to his where-a-bouts.  No one wanted to tell her.  Finally another surgeon came into the room and quietly informed her that her doctor had been found deceased by his wife in their home.

Autopsy revealed he had died about the same time her surgery was due to begin.  My mother is superstitious and took this as an omen, and cancelled the surgery.

She has since gone through pain management, and tried other ways to control and manage the pain. 

Thank you for the forum.



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Re: Welcome to my Forum..Please read
12/8/2007 2:05:45 PM

A great Forum with huge potential to help folk.

More power to your elbow.

I have proudly asked for your friendship.


Re: Welcome to my Forum..Please read
12/9/2007 12:10:35 AM

Happy to join your forum Michele!

I'll be sending you a friend invite so I may receive notification of new post in your forum. I'm very much interested in following up... I'll see you soon!

To your success

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