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Re: Welcome to my Forum..Please read
12/7/2007 8:43:17 AM
Hi Mary, thank you for your post. I truly hope that this forum will be a place we can help each other. Life is short so why not try to live it as best as we can.
I am truly a holistic and alternative medicine believer. I have tried many alternative methods of treatment of the past few years. Each has its benefits.  I know conventional medicine all too well and of course it has its place for healing as I am a registered nurse ( now working a desk job as a utilization nurse..due to my back pain). .I am working very hard to build a business at home that will be able to help people's health, pain being a big part of it. I have put together a newsletter and Blog, both called PainBusters. I have worked very hard at them. It's just trying to tell people about them that has been a challenge for me.
I recently was introduced to Hymalayan Goji Juice by a very good friend who understands how hard it has been for me. Since I also have over 2 1/2 years of nutritional education behind me I understand the great benefits of supplementation and nutiritonals in your overal health. Since I trust my friend I said sure what have I got to lose...( and as most people would say..well you have to lose the money you spent on the juice) this case..since they have a FULL 90 Day, no questions asked, empty bottle guarantee..I figured I really had nothing to lose and everything to gain.. so I started taking the Goji juice just last week and joke..I already feel like I have more energy and for those of you with gastrointesitnal issues..I have been one to have consitpation issues..but now I go every day withough any problems.. and as for my pain in both my back and side, not sure yet but the pain is minimal..
Anyway sorry I am rambling..
Take care and keep in touch
Re: Welcome to my Forum..Please read
12/7/2007 9:10:24 AM
Hi Roger,
Thank you for  your post. Wow you are a hypnotherapist, that is one area that I find very interesting. I almost went to a hypnotherapist but the price was way out of my league. I truly wish insurance would start covering more natural methods of pain relief. I agree that being positive actually plays a huge part in how you feel both mentally and physically. Has anyone read, watched, or listened to "The Secret"? I have many,many times. It is absolutely amazing. I highly recommend for anyone who hasnt read or listened to it to do so. YOur mind is a powerful tool! I try to have a positive attitude. One of the teachings of the Secret is "The law of atrraction" you attract what you think about"..i.e. if you think long and hard that you have poor health" then you are bound to remain in poor health.  I know that obviously simply thinking isnt going to "cure" what health problem you may have but it helps! I know for myself, Over the past year I kept saynig to myself that I will find a way to be able to live my life without narcotic pain killers..I kept saying It over and over and it led me to my wonderful acupuncturist and massage therapist who have been a life saver, and now with the truly amazing power of the Hymalayan Goji juice I have recently started, I am positive that 2008 will be my year of optimal health and wealth to boot...thanks to FreeLife..the company that helped develop the goji juice..and it's generous compensation plan. This, along with my blog and newsletter will be able to help thousands of people.

Take care ,
check out
Re: Welcome to my Forum..Please read
12/7/2007 9:14:04 AM
Hi Bernd,
It's great to meet you and thank you for your post! And I would love to be your friend! I am not sure of what a theoretical physics doc does. Can you enlighten me:)  I hope to continue to hear from you.

Your friend,
Re: Welcome to my Forum..Please read
12/7/2007 9:24:29 AM
Hi Terri,
It's nice to meet you as well! It's always nice to meet someone in the health industry as well. I believe I have heard of Vitamark before. They certainly have a great deal of products. I am a true beleiver in nutritional supplementation and natural remedies for good health.  As I have mentioned in other posts, I have fallen  in  love with HYmalayan Goji Juice backed by a truly outstanding company called Freelife. One product with hundreds of health benefits.. People have said to me ..why this goji juice and why Hymalayan?
If you go to:  this gives a great explanation. Check it out and let me know what you think ok:)

take care and talk soon

your friend,
questions? please dont hesitate to call 978-852-9787
Re: Welcome to my Forum..Please read
12/7/2007 9:28:15 AM
Hi Sandy,
thank you for your post. Wow, this Max GXL sounds interesting. I would love to hear more about it..Can you talk a bit about it here in the forum? Just some general info would be nive to share with the members. 
I look forward to hearing from you

your friend


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