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Re: Luella's Kitchen: Multi-Bean Medley
11/14/2007 11:17:56 PM

Hi Luella,

First of all I have one observation question. Isn't it interesting that so far only men are posting here??

Beans are an excellent food supplement and different types of beans have been proposed as a cheap but healthy food to feed  the starving peoples of the world. Initially that was the main purpose of soy beans and then they became very popular with the many different products and applications.

Your recipe sounds delicious. Did you ever try slow cooking beans (almost any combination works) with beef or chicken, potatoes, marrow bones etc. Now that's a meal not to be forgotten. It can also be completely vegetarian but the meats add their special flavor to the combo.

As an added benefit Mike, this meal also supplies free gas energy. :)

Best wishes & Shalom,


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
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Re: Luella's Kitchen: Multi-Bean Medley
11/14/2007 11:25:08 PM

Nick!  My dear friend!




Flag of Donna Zuehl

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Re: Luella's Kitchen: Multi-Bean Medley
11/14/2007 11:29:54 PM
Hi Luella, The bean recipe sounds good. I just made chili, using chili beans and pinto beans. What is edamame? I have never seen them around here, or maybe they are called something different in the midwest. Here is my own chili recipe: Brown crumbled ground beef, drain on paper towels. I use about 1 pound. In a large pot, add: 2 cans chili beans 1 or 2 cans stewed tomatoes 2 cans (the empty cans from the tomatoes) water 1 handful of pasta chili powder to taste garlic granules or powder to taste sea salt to taste the browned ground beef Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to a simmer. Cook until everything has had a chance to blend flavors. DonnaZ
Flag of Luella May

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Re: Luella's Kitchen: Multi-Bean Medley
11/14/2007 11:38:56 PM

Hi Joe,

Beans can be eaten in so many different ways!  Stay Healthy .... Eat Beans!



Flag of Beryl Payton

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Re: Luella's Kitchen: Multi-Bean Medley
11/15/2007 1:15:12 AM

Hi Luella,

Thanks for the invite.  I don't know about others, but give me a pot of beans and I am in heaven.  Many was the time when I was growing up, if it had not been for a good pot of beans, we would have gone to bed hungry.

Give me a pot of beans cooked with smoked knuckles and a little jowl bacon, with tomatoe slices, cucumber slices and chop up some onion, and some corn bread and I have a real meal.



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