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Joelees Wholesale

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Are You Tired Of Surf Notices (You must surf 25-50 to re-activate your account) ?
11/9/2007 9:51:45 PM

Hi All,

I have so many surf programs I have joined that almost daily I receive a email notice say (You must surf 25-50 now to re-activate your account) Well check this program out Sign up promote get traffic Free

How Many FREE Visitors Can You Get?

The answer is: unlimited. This system works well in the internet and nothing can stop it. That's the main benefit of this type of internet marketing. You can join us now and start to get 10-15 signups under you in just few days. In short time, you will be amazed when your website gains huge traffic because more than 20,000 websites show your ad every day, and these numbers will exponentially grow.

Below is an example if you get ONLY 10 downlines, and each of them get ONLY 10 downlines.

Level Downlines Downlines per level
Level 1 10 10
Level 2 10 x 10 100
Level 3 10 x 10 x 10 1,000
Level 4 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 10,000
Level 5 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 100,000
Level 6 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 x 10 1,000,000
  Total downlines: 1,111,110

That's 1,111,110 websites displaying your ad!

Even if every downline's website only give you 1 visitor per month, your website will still get more than a million of FREE visitors in 1 month!

Why Do You Have To Join Us?

This is FREE, and forever will be.
Unlike others viral advertising website, your ad in Traffic Digger will be shown at the top of the page, in clean and easily readable format. This will give your ad more CTR (Click Through Rate). Try it yourself.
We have very high signup conversion rate. For every 100 visitors come to this page we have more than 10 signups. That means you will easily get hundreds of donwlines in just one month.
With 6 levels viral advertising system, you will exponentially get more visitors, and it will never stop.
Your ad will link directly to your URL, not a redirect from our website. This will substantially boost your website's Pagerank.
You can change your ad as many as you want from within our member area.
Quick and easy signup. Get your own Traffic Digger website in 1 minute!

Thomas Richmond

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Re: Are You Tired Of Surf Notices (You must surf 25-50 to re-activate your account) ?
11/9/2007 10:14:41 PM
Thanks for the tip! Free Viral Advertising! 
AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support
Beryl Payton

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Re: Are You Tired Of Surf Notices (You must surf 25-50 to re-activate your account) ?
11/10/2007 3:02:58 AM

Hi Lee,

This sounds interesting.  I will have to take a closer look at this later.  I know what you mean, I have joined so many surf programs and receive a lot of the same notices too.  Thanks for the information.



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Chuck Detore

158 Posts
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Re: Are You Tired Of Surf Notices (You must surf 25-50 to re-activate your account) ?
11/10/2007 7:54:20 AM

Thanks Lee, I'm on it!   How about autosurfing! This site:   Is one I use & get plenty of hits for $0.00! img002-Copy.jpg image by chuckdetoreALL THE BEST!

Chuck Detore Join my social network!
David Nettles

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Re: Are You Tired Of Surf Notices (You must surf 25-50 to re-activate your account) ?
11/10/2007 8:26:35 AM

Thanks Joelee,

This little tool has produced the most traffic of any free thing I have ever tried. Since the first time I saw it on Tuesday on your post, I put my ad on it and sent it to a couple of my safelists and in less than a week I have dozens of signups that are spreading the word for me.


I have put together a list of tools like Joelees on a free Squidoo Lens. Squidoo is also a great place to generate traffic for your Internet businesses. Another great place to get some free search engine traffic.

See my list of viral advertising free programs on Squidoo.

My very best regards

David Nettles lives in South Florida and runs his Home Based Business full-time. He is also the publisher

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