About Me
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About Me
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Dear Friends,
I'm in my 50's and live in South Florida with my wife Gail and three children. That is, if you count four-footed fuzzballs as children (they are cats).
I've lived in South Florida almost all my life, and have seen it grow and change over the years. Much of it for the good, but it's getting awfully crowded now!
As far as my business background goes, I've had one kind of job or another all my life, from paperboy to the military to corporate America. And while each was fulfilling in it's own way and time, I wanted something more. I wanted to be my own boss. And for awhile in the 1980's, I actually owned a TV sales and service shop of my own. Finally, my own boss! I worked it for several years, until TV's started being thrown out instead of being repaired. As the business grew less and less, my only choice at the time was to get a job.
What Could I Do? I've actually tried building a few home-based businesses in the past, mostly with dismal results. Yes, I did Amway, as well as a few other MLMs in my time. Sometimes I made a little, but mostly I lost money. Anyway, I kept thinking that there had to be a better way. Somehow. Owning the TV repair shop had been nice, but there was a lot of overhead. The rent, utilities and employees had to be paid, even if I was too sick to work. A brick-and-mortar business took too much money to run, and I still couldn't work my own hours!
My wife and I now design and builds websites, and do a lot of different niche marketing via blogs. I made the decision to work my home based business full-time back in 2007. I haven't regretted it for a moment, even if it was a scary at first. Now I make my own hours, set my own schedule. Sure, I work a lot -- over 40 hours a week -- but they are hours that I choose and besides, I truly enjoy my business. It's not like work at all!
So, do you have questions about running your own home based business? Wondering what you need to do to get started in your own home-based business?
Some of the very best resources you can find on these two sites Business at Home Income & Business at Home Income Blog!
My Interests
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My Interests
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