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Joelees Wholesale

5917 Posts
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11/12/2007 11:06:28 AM

Thank You Betty for the Ad :-)

Here is my current update in my downline

Downline level 1: 11 member(s)
Downline level 2: 14 member(s)
Downline level 3: 14 member(s)
Downline level 4: 13 member(s)
Downline level 5: 1 member(s)
Downline level 6: 1 member(s)
Total Downlines: 54 member(s)

Re: Are You Tired Of Surf Notices (You must surf 25-50 to re-activate your account) ?
11/15/2007 1:03:03 AM

Hi Joe,

Thank you for this information. I will go check it out.

I do know what you mean buy those email.

Thank you again, I am right on it too!

Your friend


Question ! Any body have answer for me on how do a safe list

work I would like to know. I here everybody talking about it.

But I don't know what it do for me.


Please excuse me because I'm new at this.
Joelees Wholesale

5917 Posts
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Re: Are You Tired Of Surf Notices (You must surf 25-50 to re-activate your account) ?
11/15/2007 9:44:45 AM

Hi Cynthia,

The only safe list I use is my own created customer/user database list . Some say there are safe list programs out there that do work for them. A safe list is what it says  a list of users who signed up to receive your email offers without you worry about sending out spam .


What's a Safelist ?

Safelist programs gives marketers a cost effective alternative to traditional targeted marketing Basically, a safelist is a group of people all willing to receive each others promotions via email --in the hopes that their promotion will generate more business. In other words, safelists are many, many "marketers" that have agreed to receive each others email. The drawback is that everyone is trying to sell and no one wants to buy. Some do buy, however, and that's your market. You just need something that other "marketers" will want or need. Currently, there are many tens of thousands of members to various safelists, and some are more effective than others. Also, there are different types (i.e. web-based and PC-based) that we will explore.

Hope That helps Gods speed :-) Lee


Re: Are You Tired Of Surf Notices (You must surf 25-50 to re-activate your account) ?
11/16/2007 1:53:02 AM

Hi Joe,

Thank you for the short schooling. I under stand a little.

How do I build my own safe list?

Thank you for your time,

Your friend,


Joelees Wholesale

5917 Posts
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Top 50 Poster
Re: Are You Tired Of Surf Notices (You must surf 25-50 to re-activate your account) ?
11/16/2007 1:23:02 PM

Hi Cynthia,

Always a pleasure anytime I may be of help just give a shout out do my best or point you to right friend here to help you. Gods speed :-) Lee
