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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: Hebrew is Greek! True or False?
11/11/2007 9:19:37 AM
Dear Peter!.

I warmly
You fully deserve it.
May God Bless you for all good
you are doing in this community.

Thank you for coming in to discuss with us a subject that is difficult to have a high level. I will try my best to keep it so.

First I want to clarify that I have nothing against any person or any nation. I am a third generation Greek from Turkey. In three generations we were moving from place to place and from country to country. Today I am established in Macedonia, Greece, which is next place of FIRE. I felt in my skin all about emigration and I fully understand the very kind way you ask because the information here may offend you which is not my purpose. All I want is to give out the facts and discuss them.

Today everyone blames the Hebrews being behind all problems in the world. That is far away from the truth. Yes there are Hebrews at the top (the ELITE as I use to call them) but most of them aren't Hebrews. I even have relatives being at the highest top (grade 33) in the free tectonic organizations.
They know what I am doing and how I think and they have me warned. I don't fear them. If I go there will be many others coming after me because this is the period for take the mask of them.

"You are very clever but your ideas don't fit in. Take care"

I read your background and origin and of course I respect everything your say about how hard it was to survive and what your people and many other nations went through. In school they give us only a small part of the truth, and that to make used feel bad and sorrow. After school it is up to everyone to find out, to have the right filters and to get right information. We, many nations had such problems and mine is not to forget either. We simple sons of GOD pay for everything because an ELITE makes use of our weakness which is EDUCATION and with that I mean right sources and right scholars.

Ioannis Kordatos, is called FATHER of the Greek Genus (race-nation). I can tell you that this title was not easy to get. 1918 he founded the Greek Socialist Party which 1920 changes to Greek Communist Party, He was the first secretary but left the Party 1927. Being a communist was not the best for him. 1936 he went to prison for his ideas and he was lucky to escape the prison before the Germans came because Greek communists and Hebrews were moved, the Communists (even Hebrew Communists) to Germany and the rest of the Hebrews to ISRAEL which at that time did not exist as country. The poor people that were going to ISRAEL, the promised land, had to be in boats for several months and were moved from place to place depending on all these suggestions.

Good to know is that THE ELITE wanted 1946 to found ISRAEL in Thessaloníki, and Macedonia. THe reason why they didn't I am not sure. Then the suggested the island of Rhodos and after that the Island of Malt and at last they decided to found ISRAEL in Palestine. Turkey played a very dirty game in this. THey were allied to Germans.

He was a, a lawyer and most of all a scholar in history. I for example (as many Greeks) have all his books (about 50) and many compendiums. His work on Greek History, Greek language and linguistics are the best I read so far. All his books are written in Greek thats way he is unknown.

Here is a link to WIKIPEDIA. If I find anything of value in English I will give the sources.
Here is a list  of his most famous books. In blue are books that I use as source to this threads and replies here.
  • Η κοινωνική σημασία της Ελληνικής Επαναστάσεως του 1821 (1924, δ΄ εκδ. βελτιωμένη 1946)
  • Νεοελληνική πολιτική ιστορία (1925)
  • Αρχαίες θρησκείες και χριστιανισμός (1927) (Ancient religions and Christianity)
  • Δημοτικισμός και λογιωτατισμός: κοινωνιολογική μελέτη του γλωσσικού ζητήματος (1927)· βελτιωμένη επανέκδοση υπό τον τίτλο Ιστορία του γλωσσικού μας ζητήματος (1943)
  • Η Κομμούνα της Θεσσαλονίκης, 1342–1349 (1928) (THe Commune of Thessaloníki 1342-1349)
  • Εισαγωγή εις την ιστορίαν της ελληνικής κεφαλαιοκρατίας (1930)
  • Η επανάσταση της Θεσσαλομαγνησίας το 1821 (1930)
  • Τα τελευταία χρόνια της Βυζαντινής Αυτοκρατορίας (1931)
  • Ιστορία του ελληνικού εργατικού κινήματος (1932)
  • Εισαγωγή εις την νομικήν επιστήμην (1939)
  • Νέα προλεγόμενα εις τον Όμηρον: κριτική της ιστορίας των ομηρικών επών (1940)
  • Τα αρχαία Ελληνικά Γράμματα (1940) (Ancient Hellenic Literature)
  • Ο Ρήγας Φεραίος και η Βαλκανική Ομοσπονδία (1945)
  • Η Σαπφώ και οι κοινωνικοί αγώνες στη Λέσβο (1945)
  • Οι επεμβάσεις των Άγγλων στην Ελλάδα (1946)
  • Ιστορία της αρχαίας ελληνικής φιλοσοφίας (1946) (The History of Ancient Hellenic Philosophy)
  • Η Παλαιά Διαθήκη στο φως της κριτικής (1947) (The Old Testament in the light of criticism)
  • Ακμή και παρακμή του Βυζαντίου (1953)
  • Η αρχαία τραγωδία και κωμωδία: Ποιες είναι οι κοινωνικές ρίζες του αρχαίου ελληνικού θεάτρου (1954)
  • Τ' Αμπελάκια κι ο μύθος για το συνεταιρισμό τους: συμβολή στην οικονομικοκοινωνική ιστορία της Ανατολικής Θεσσαλίας στα χρόνια της Τουρκοκρατίας (1955)
  • Μεγάλη ιστορία της Ελλάδας, 13 τόμοι (1956–1959) (The Great Hellenic History, 13 volumes)
  • Ιστορία της επαρχίας Βόλου και Αγίας: από τα αρχαία χρόνια ως τα σήμερα (1960)
  • Ιστορία της Νεοελληνικής Λογοτεχνίας: από το 1453 ως το 1961 (1962)
  • Σελίδες από την ιστορία του αγροτικού κινήματος στην Ελλάδα (1964)
  • Ιησούς Χριστός και χριστιανισμός, 2 τόμοι (1975) (Jesus Christ and Christianity, 2 volumes)
Have a Great Day
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Re: Lost Books of the Bible...
11/11/2007 4:17:07 PM
Sarah, I didn't have time to Google out this much info, so I went to and searched there. I got one whole page of links and info which you can research at your leisure. As for 'who is the author'? Each book (or scroll) had it's own author. Acording to this, 'The Lost Books of the Bible' has been combined with 'The Lost Books of Eden' which also includes the 'Books of Adam & Eve'. This should prove to be some very interesting reads, I would think. Hope this helps all interested parties concerned with ancient scripture(s). Here is the link to the wikipedia page where I found all of this. If the link doesn't work, just goto: and search "The Lost Books of the Bible". Until the next one, I am, Benton Middleton
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Re: Lost Books of the Bible...
11/11/2007 11:38:35 PM
Thanks for that last post Brenton and also the great post previous from Georgios.

It is funny how they call them, The Lost Books of the Bible.

Actually from my research, they were never really lost.

they were deliberartely omited from the Bible as we know it.

This in my view also breaks warnings in the bible as we know it for adding to and taking away from the bible.

The question is, why did the Christian churches take these books out?

To give them power over those in their flock?

To create confusion and disagreement of passages in the bible, as we know it?

These books that were left out or lost, as they say actually hold a lot of information that makes the true understanding of Christianity easier to understand.

Please click this link ok where you can view and listen to an audio about this very thing and other interesting items to do with 2012, the holy spirit and more.

Hope it is ok with you Georgios to post this as you have already seen this site :)

Rajaram S.K.

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Re: Lost Books of the Bible...
11/12/2007 6:15:42 AM

Hello Dimitra, Georgios and eveyone,


Thanks Dimitra, for bringing me to this forum, though I am not well versed/knowledged in this field of Hebrew and Greek, .....I too wish to contribute little from my search here.....Please respond and enlighten us....



Documentary Evidence That the Original Language of the New Testament was NOT GREEK BUT HEBREW.

by:  A. B. Traina (1952)

   Many people who opposed the Sacred Scriptures make much of their slogan, "The Bible is full of contradictions."

   It is true that the King James version of the Bible does contain many contradictions; but, if we go back from the King James translation to the original source, we will rejoice to find that the so-called contradictions disappear, and the Word of Yahweh stands out in its Majestic Grandeur, the Monument of truth.

   Our Savior, Yahshua the Messiah, in teaching His parables in the gospels, pointed out that after the Apostolic Age, the enemy would go over the same field in which He had sown the wheat (the Word of Truth), and would sow tares among the wheat (see Matthew 13:24-30 and 37-43). The tares are symbolic of lies and deceit...................................



S.K. Rajaram
Dimitra Bravou

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Re: Lost Books of the Bible...
11/12/2007 8:26:51 AM
Hello Rajaram,

Thank you for coming into Georgios forum. I believe he likes to see many friends to visit and post here.

I'm not in Georgios thoughts but I believe that it's good here to be presented different theories and be discussed. I know that you are a person who searches in the web and you like reading and finding the possible truths of everything.

Georgios has great sources to present and I'm sure that this forum will keep our interesting for long time.

Love and peace,


P.s. Of course it would be great to know what benefit would some sourses have and we must have our mind, eyes and ears opened to understand about it. You know how amazing is the fact that history has many times changed according to great benefits of them who wrote it.
