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Laila Falck

358 Posts
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Re: God's Justice and Judgement...Part III
11/14/2007 12:40:46 PM

Hi Aussie
Thank you for your letter here. I was glad to read it. That you are fair minded in regards to other faiths, not avoiding to study them just because your Faith is Christian. You seem to have a deep honest Faith, that you carry a great Light that gives you a clear view over what is true elsewhere. That's how it should be.

As a Bahai and a follower of Bahaullah we are greatly encouraged to study other world religions that we may understand that they are divine too in essence. Often we are using the picture of a road along which all mankind is walking up through history. The road being lit up by divine lamps, Messengers, or as we call them, Manifestations of God ,one after the other.

This is called progressive religion, forming one unity. It means that all mankind has from immemorial times been guided by Spiritual Messengers, each one giving a portion of the spirit according to the capacity of the people. Social prescriptions have varied according to the exigencies of time, and this progress will never end.

For this age, God has foreordained equality of the sexes, harmony between religion and science, a world government and so forth according to the needs we have today in this global era..In About Me you can see an overview of the prescriptions for todays world. One can say these prescriptions are part of the remaining truth spoken of by Jesus. We believe.

He, that has prescribed this is regarded  by us followers as the Return of the Spirit and His name is Bahaullah. (1817 -1892)  See Rev 3: 12 regarding NEW NAME.  So Bahaullah has made the greatest Claim ever. It should be examined by all.                                                                                                             

The first stirrings of the Bahai Faith took place already in 1844, The very year that was proclaimed as the year when the Gospel had been preached in every spot on earth. (According to the International Bible Society) . This is the sign" for a witness" of Jesus's Return. =The Return of the Spirit, carrying a NEW NAME

It is also the same year that the "Time of the gentiles" was ended, and the Jews were allowed , (through the Edict of Toleration)to enter the homeland of their ancestors. An entry spoken of by Jesus as marking the year of His Return.

I hope that somebody among the christians here at Adland would feel prompted to examine the Bahai Faith at this news.

The Bahais do suffer a lot in the homeland , Iran,  of this Faith. among the mullas and ayatollahs, They are set aside of the law, are persecuted, imprisoned, must not gather, go to school or have a "statejob" and what not. Still these Bahais are very strong and steadfast and happy, doing good for their fellowprisoners.

From time to time  Bahai holy places in Iran are levelled with the ground. But the Iranian Bahais have received support time and again via UN who have directed sharp warnings to the authorities of Iran, not to persecute the Bahais  and  not to destroy our holy places. Some ease has thereafter occurred, but the game isn't over yet.

In the whole moslem world the Bahais are having a hard time. From the beginning it has been so , Bahaullah Himself being regarded as a threat to both the clergy and the state authorities. They were indeed afraid He would strip them off their positions since He was so loved by all. The Shah called upon Him to hear His Message and His claims, but then  got afraid, regretted it and sent Him away as He was approaching the court. I could go on telling you remarkable things, even about miracles, but I do not know who is interested.

Are you Aussie?  or  are informative sites for the one who has become a little  intrigued.

Kind regards from Laila

"Earth is but one country and mankind it's citizens" "The source of arts and crafts is the power of reflection" Bahá'u'lláh.1817-1892 Founder of the Bahái'Faith
Re: God's Justice and Judgement...Part III
11/16/2007 8:16:29 PM
Laila I am from Australia and I use the name aussiekeith as an Internet name.
I also have ausiekeith registered as a Domain name and if you search google under aussiekeith, you will find that about 95% of hits with me mine.
There are 2 others who are using the same name, however I have been working hard to drive them off the first 10 pages that come up in the search engine.
It has actually worked quite well and took a lot of work as there was 2 weeks ago 3 diferent aussiekeiths coming up in the first page and one of them changed their name in the posts they make from Aussiekeith to aussiekeith.
Origionally I was born in New Zealand and moved to australia in 1991.
You can find out more about me by clicking in the advert that comes up in my posts here by going to the bottom link.
:) from Keith.


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