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James Wright

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God's Justice and Judgement...Part III
10/31/2007 9:44:50 AM

It has been awhile since I published part two of this series. To refresh your memory here's the link to the last discussion:

I have contracted a sinus infection, and I'm having a hard time getting rid of it, due to lack of sleep and working too much.  Please keep me in your prayers!!




Revelation 14:6,7  The prophet John foresaw the rise of a world-wide movement that would proclaim the time and work of the judgement

Daniel 9:25  Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times

Let's examine what has taken place here:

Thanks to AusieKieth for finding this graph!

The parallel lines show the full time of 2300 years, commencing at B.C. 457, when the decree was given to restore and build Jerusalem. Seven prophetic weeks,  or forty-nine years,  are measured off to show the time occupied in building the wall of the city.  This time however,  is part of the sixy-nine weeks that were to reach to the Messiah.  Christ was anointed  at His baptism in A.D. 27.  In the middle of the seventieth week (seven years) following,  the Messiah was crucified, and this is when the sacrifices and oblations of the earthly sanctuary were to cease.  Three and a half years later the Jews were rejected,  and the remaining 1810 years bring us to 1844,  when Christ entered the most holy apartment of the heavenly sanctuary

Ausiekeith made it easy for me by sharing these texts. Thanks Aussie!

1844 AD The glorious truth of Messiah's high priestly mediation in the heavenly sanctuary begins to be restored to the people through the study of Daniel's prophecies (see Daniel 8:14; 12:4). The study of Daniel's prophecies would be followed by a bitter disappointment, (misinterpretation) which in turn would be followed by a restoration of Biblical truth concerning the sanctuary and the mediation of the Messiah as our Savior (see Revelation chapters 10, 11)

Revelation 14:6-11  Here is a divine message, symbolized as heralded by an angel, would be followed by two others, the first unmasking the apostate condition of Babylon,  and the other issuing a dire warning against false worship

Revelation 14:12  The Adventist Movement arose at just the right time and with the very messages foretold in the prophecy (heralding the three angels message in Revelation 14:6-12).  The result of these divine proclamations is to bring out a people who are obedient to all of God's Commandments and who put their trust fully in the righteousness of Jesus Christ


Please share your positive thoughts on this topic, even if they are negative!




Joyce Parker Hyde

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Re: God's Justice and Judgement...Part III
10/31/2007 10:23:26 AM

James ,
When I was little, I would curl up with my head on my grandma's lap to the preachers vivid and dramatic readings of Revalations.
The dread and anxiety aroused by those firey sermons have really kept me from reading this book!
It has been being slowly introduced to me again as an adult by the Bible ladies who come on Sundays.
My ego has not wanted to deal with it as I felt I would be right in the middle of accomplishing something that I had been working on for years-and the angels would charge out of heaven and start battling with the devil and everybody would run for cover.........and I don't know how it ends!
Thanks for giving us bite sized pieces of some challenging material.
What's threescore=? and is a fortnite a month?

Re: God's Justice and Judgement...Part III
10/31/2007 10:28:14 AM

Some very interesting thoughts and Bible-related verses.  Much to think about, I will come back and read more.

Have a great day!


Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

1089 Posts
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Re: God's Justice and Judgement...Part III
10/31/2007 11:10:37 AM
Had an opportunity to hear Joel Rosenberg on his book,
This topic has intrigued me since I was a kid.
James Wright

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Re: God's Justice and Judgement...Part III
10/31/2007 11:50:15 AM

I'm on my way to JFK to pick up a patient, then transport them to Bedford, Ma. I will not be able to moderate till I get done with this trip, unless I find a computer somewhere inbetween. Go ahead and make your posts, and I'll get to you as soon as I can.  Thanks:)


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