I would really love to comment at length on this subject, but every time I do, some one narrow-minded always comes in and preaches hellfire and brimstone to ANYTHING non-Christian.
Don't get me wrong, Sir, I am NOT anti-Christian, It really is a solid and grounded religion and spiritual system of belief and morals for one to live their life by. But the problem with Christianity, just like Islam, is that they believe anything outside their own faith is wrong and bent for Hell. They are extremists!
If you look at OTHER religions around the world, the one thing they most ALL have it common, is that they leave the choice of spirituality up to the individual, and that is as it should be. Sure you may be right (though most of us doubt it), but what if you are wrong? What if you die, go through the white light looking for St. Peter, and you don't find Heaven OR Hell? Then what? Is your life wasted, or do you go to another existance and start all over again?
Just because you were born and raised a Christian does not make it the right religion for you, for me or anybody. If you are very realistic at all, then maybe you should look a bit closer at your own faith, and compare it to the faiths of others. Like maybe the Gnostics who fully embraced the other half of the Bible that Christian scholars branded as evil and banned from the Bible. There were originally 126 Scrolls but only 66 of them made it into the Bible, even though in the Book of Acts, YOUR Bible also said, "All scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for loving, teaching, understanding and reprimanding!"
"All Scripture", includes other books inspired of God and written down by Man, such as the Quoran', The Eddas & The Sagas of the Ancient Norsemen, and the Bagadhvadvita (please excuse me if I did not spell that just right).
Before I close, please let me reiterate one more fact for your sincere ponderance. More wars have been fought over religion throughout the entire history of Man, than anything else on the planet. If we are to REALLY work for world peace, let us start by FULLY recognizing , and RESPECTING FULLY everyone's right to the "freedom of religion" in this country, and concentrate on spreading THAT isnstead of forcing Democracy on countries who either do not want, or do not need Democracy. Thank You in advance.
Sincerely Yours,
Benton Middleton