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Thomas Richmond

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Re: A Course In Anger Management
10/22/2007 11:56:28 AM
Sure thing Kathy, just a thought and my oun opinions but i think 8 out 10 times there usually right on the mark. Thanks to God. Enjoy your day my friend... Hugs!
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Sarah Pritchard

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Re: A Course In Anger Management
10/22/2007 12:00:21 PM
Great stuff Thomas!

We all need a reminder like this from time to time unless we are perfect.

Is it poss to be perfect?  I think not.

Who was it that said there's no such thing as a perfect man, but only a man with perfect intentions (or something like that)?

I find that if I've been upset by someone or made angry in an email or letter, I take a long time before I answer (or I don't answer at all).

If I am face to face with the person, I try to smile and count to 10.  It very often works.

There is a lot of anger in this world.  Just think what we could all do in a positive way if all that negative energy was put into doing good deeds.

That's my thought for today.

Peace, love & light,


(forever striving to be perfect, but still a long way off LOL!!)
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Thomas Richmond

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Re: A Course In Anger Management
10/22/2007 12:10:57 PM
Love & Light Sara! You rock my friend. Its easier to walk away from the computer, its harder to walk away from face to face conflicts, each has its oun episodes but both have the same attitude. Mutual respect and unconditional love is a lot easier online than not online. The words of my Rabbi Jesus  "If you love me, you will obey what i command." John 14:15. Praying works for me in a secluded place of course so i can scream out my prayers, hehe.
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Re: A Course In Anger Management
10/22/2007 2:54:46 PM


Thanks for your post. I have a post in my forum which goes along with the thoughts you have expressed here.

As I thought about this whole anger thing I thought of another proverb:

"He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he that ruleth his spirit that he that taketh a city" (Proverbs 16:32).

To be slow to anger is to be like Christ, "The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy" (Psalms 103:8). See also John 14:7-11.

Have a great day brother


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Thomas Richmond

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Re: A Course In Anger Management
10/22/2007 3:20:06 PM
Duane thank you for your comments and your post my fellow believer. Thanks for the proverb too. Enjoy your evening my friend. God_bless you
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