Hi Thomas,
It's quite true that anger is an emotion and in itself not a sin but how hard it is for any of us to control that emotion.
In "real" life as opposed to our "virtual" life it's an emotion that's much harder to control when the when the object or the cause of your anger is standing right in front of you. We are all human and are all guilty of getting angry at one time or another but there are ways to control your anger and in the long term the benefits are much greater then the temporary satisfaction of "letting go". In most cases when you let go and "give it" to him or her the remorse and in some cases shame sets in almost immediately afterword's.
What surprises me is the amount of people that get so angry on line and become antagonistic, hurtful and full of hate. There is no benefit whatsoever and is viewed by many and they judge and react much differently then you would in the real world.
I find that in most cases in both worlds it is better to step away for a while and get your temper and anger under control and then if you must react then it will be done in a different manner then immediate reaction.
Just my opinion.
All the best & Shalom,