Quote from Georgios. A Climate of Conflict
Climate change is upon us and its physical effects have started to unfold. That is the broad
scientific consensus expressed in the Fourth Assessment Review of the Inter-governmental
Panel on Climate Change. This report takes this finding as its starting point and looks at
the social and human consequences that are likely to ensue – particularly the risks of
conflict and instability. Yes Georgios, finally the scientists and others are now finding out what is really happening and realize, their lack of acceptance the global warming is real, is now worse that they expected. Had they listed to those who warned about this action from cultures that have had it in prophecies for many years, and also other people who started warnings in the 1980s, maybe we could have stopped a lot of this problem or at least cut it back years ago. Reported recently the 500 klm darling river that helps feed the murray river for the first time in history is no just puddles of water. This effects upper NSW, Victoria and a huge section of South Australia. They were warned this would happen back in the year 2000. They took no action until last year.It is now too late. As to those horid fires in Greece there is another crying shame and certainly a terrible thing that has happened in your country.