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Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
6/17/2008 8:30:39 PM

Hi Sarah,

                 Sorry I've been away so long. Life has thrown me a few curves and I'm just now getting them straight. Went back to work for a bit, only to end up working 9, 10, and 11 hours a day, 6 an 7 days a week. It's a bit exhausting at times.

                 But I'm glad to see your garden is still open, I really find it refreshing to come in here and relax. This place makes it so easy to forget the world exists outside of here.

                 I saw also that Georgios linked a Beatles song from YouTube. I too would like to contribute such an effort, in the form of a song that celebrates life. Also a Beatles tune, I hope all of you enjoy it as much as I do. Until the next one, I am,

The Benster!

((youtube id="X0O7yUJBeTw&feature=related"))((/youtube))

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Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
6/18/2008 4:07:31 PM

Hi Sarah!


Your garden is still a mesmerizing place to visit!  I have been a bit out of the loop for a couple of weeks - so I am hopping around to all my favorites and YOU are on my list.

Thanks for the relazing and refreshing visit!


Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
6/19/2008 4:11:04 PM
Hello and thank you Myrna,

I was sure that I had already answered your kind words but it seems that I was wrong or the phantoms have ghosted away my reply!!

I hope you enjoy your reading.

Thank you for your visit.

Angel cuddles,


Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
6/19/2008 4:23:40 PM
Hello Terry,

Thank you for coming back. I do enjoy your visits here and your sharing and caring.

You are right. We will make a difference. Despite getting frustrated sometimes, I truly believe that to be the case. Love is the answer.

I will never give up sharing angel cuddles and spreading their love. After all, they are there to help me and everyone else. We just need to ask them.

Thank you for caring and your encouragement.

Angel cuddles,


Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
6/19/2008 4:42:24 PM
Bonjour Benster!

Lovely to see you here again and with some music. I can imagine you doing a hillbilly dance to this one.

Life goes on wo ow.

You know, I was thinking about you and wondering where you had got to and low and behold you were here!

I hope you are not overworking. Glad you could find time to come and chill out here a bit.

Here you are:

Angel cuddles,

Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs

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