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Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
6/14/2008 11:00:36 AM
Bonjour Georgios,

Thank you for bringing John Lennon's thoughts. Well, that just about sums it up doesn't it. I get terribly upset and frustrated by the response I get when trying to spread my thoughts on freedom and my love.

So many people prefer to bury their heads in the sand, rather than open up and listen to what is happening, what has happened and what will happen.

We can all make a difference. We can all make choices.

I think that one of the hardest things to deal with is when people "close" to you are not receptable, refuse to even think about these issues, and as John Lennon said, treat you as insane or say that you are talking "a load of rubbish."

I must get on with some work now, before I get too worked up!!!!

Angel cuddles,


Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Thomas Richmond

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Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
6/14/2008 11:53:04 AM
People in general will think what they want, do what they feel is correct or good but only to decieve the purpose of helping others, this is not good, to earn trust you must trust yourself in leading others , things happen for a reason, friendships that grow together should not interfear with business, sometimes its hard to distinguish the two but there is a true spirit in support system that we all should have for one another if we are going to be in the same community it is essencial that we make every effort to make peace even to the point of being humble, admitting our mistakes and moving on, it is the only way to evolve into a better person. Have a good weekend! God_bless you and your familys Adlandpro members! Thomas :)
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Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
6/14/2008 3:18:38 PM
Bonjour Thomas,

Peace, love and caring are the keys.

Thank you, Thomas, for sharing and your love. Love is the answer and the goal in every community.

If we walk the talk, love will out. Words and actions for our advancement together.

Angel cuddles and you have a great weekend too.


Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Myrna Ferguson

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Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
6/14/2008 11:28:29 PM
Hi Sarah,

I just saw this forum for the 1st time.  It is beautiful.  Thank you.

I have a lot of reading to do, with all these pages.


Terry Gorley

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Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
6/17/2008 1:36:50 PM

Hello Sarah,

Its been such a long time since I visited your Emporium, I just had to take a moment to enjoy what you have created here.

I love what you say,"We can all make a difference. We can all make choices."

No matter how frustrated you get keep on spreading your thoughts on Freedom and Love.  As long as those who care continue to do that eventually we will Make A Difference and make the world a better place for all!




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