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Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
6/11/2008 3:53:44 PM

I believe that God put man on the Earth to take care of the Earth. Mother Nature does a grand job in providing us with a clean environment in which to live. We should, in turn, do our best to keep it that way. I like this program because it does just that. The other reason why I like this program is because it is not mlm; it is contributional marketing to make a cleaner Earth. This is a great combination of making money online and bringing people's attention to the necessity to clean up the environment.

The launching of the UBIEE ENVIRO PROJECT is another way of creating “Environmental Awareness to help our Planet” so that “our Children and Future Generations will be able to live a healthier life” We have great “Tools in our Back Offices” and many committed and dedicated People who are working for a “cleaner environment”.

(This costs a one off contribution of just 11 Euros. I started earning just 2 hours after I'd joined and I've had a good number of WOW days since. In fact, I made a number of contributions and I have got my contributions back on mine and my children’s contributions, and am now gaining each time someone joins in one of my vortices. I’ve a number of TP1s which have been given to me and this is ongoing.)

Fuel is a big concern at the moment. Prices are rising and rising. Another concern with fuel is the pollution factor. The Ubiee Power pill covers both of these issues.


“POWER PILL SUCCESS !!! One of my automotive customers who has never used power pills took a road trip to Calif with power pills, starting out with 2 pills a week or so before the trip, then used one with each fill up on trip from Washington to Cailf, got 10 miles per gal increase in mileage, the customer was just floored!!!!”


I copied that quote from the public Skype  chat about the Ubiee power pill. You can see more of the chat here: Ubiee Pill Public Chat


UBiee Power Pill is a Fuel Conditioner. This is a true product that works and eliminates contamination by 78% and because of the results in cleaning the fuel it also burns the fuel you are using much better. This increases mileage that makes it a very reasonable product to buy and also you save quite a lot of money.


It also cleans your motor which results in longer engine life.


Now, due to high fuel prices people are starting to appreciate what the Power pill does.


The governments have to look into alternatives, as fuel prices are reaching a record high.


It is true that they are looking into growing crops to make Bio fuel, but realistically the demand could not be fulfilled; there wouldn’t be enough land for that.


UBIEE has solutions and not just words. As a Ubiee Ambassador, I’m helping spread the word about the Ubiee Power Pill and the Ubiee Enviro Project.


I have included this here in Mother Earth’s Garden, as well as in the Business Opps to share thread of my forum, because this whole issue is very important in the taking care of Mother Earth and ONE of the products we get with the PIF program is the Power pill.  You are given  ONE BLISTER of pills. “What is the PIF program?” I hear you say.


I received an invitation to have a position paid for me in the Pay It Forward Buyers Club. I accepted the invitation and now it is my turn “to give to gain.” Just as my position was paid for me, I wish to pay it forward for three people.


This is the place for Blessings, Inspiration, and Multiple Income Opportunities!

We believe it is more blessed to give than receive, so if we can help You, Your Family, and Friends become financially independent, and do it with

"Paying it Forward for You" then why not start today?

If you would like me to invite you in and pay for your position, please pm me or you can get more information and an invitation from my explanation page and watch the video here.


Watch it over and over until you see the light about how to create wealth by "Pay – It – Forward" for just three (3) friends. I’m going to leave you with this to think about, Level ZERO will pay out over $230.00 US dollars, in money goods and services, the Horizon of the three (3) friends/3 Pillars.


I will leave this with you. I hope you take up my invitation. Looking forward to hearing from you.


Angel cuddles,




Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
6/12/2008 7:32:24 AM

Hello Sara,

Very nice post,and you are right on with the total concept of making a contribution to our Earth - anyway we can no matter how small it may seem, we can all meke a difference.

UBIEE has taken the lead in creating Multiple Opportunities to help both the Earth and your bank account in a positive manner.

The Pay it Forward Buyers Club has just launched,and with the multiple earnings/and service's offered to it's members, you put earnings and helping the environment on autopilot. Our members get an Earth Mail 2.0  account just for signing up for a free trial!

Our Pay it forward Buyers Club is a unique concept where especially Network marketers will finally make extra income online almost instantly and effortlessly.

Thank you for sharing your Knowledge,

Tim Henderson



Tim Henderson Pay it Forward Buyers Club New Launch Hurry Tim Henderson Earn what you Learn
Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
6/12/2008 9:00:51 AM
Thank you Tim,

Yes, we can all make a difference.

Thank you for adding some extra info.

I will copy it into my biz opps forum.

I hope to see you in Mother Earth's Garden again.

Angel cuddles,


Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Sarah Pritchard

2408 Posts
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Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
6/14/2008 9:41:02 AM
My dear friends of Mother Earth and your fellow beings,

I'd like to draw your attention to a letter that Georgios has posted in his forum.

Here is the link:

For me, this letter is a very important step towards a better world on Mother Earth and in taking care of Mother Earth and her beings.

Angel cuddles,


Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Georgios Paraskevopoulos

5965 Posts
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Re: Come into Mother Earth's Garden and Share Her Beauty and Abundance
6/14/2008 9:49:44 AM
Hello Sarah!

I saw you pop up and I jumped in! Yes the letter I posted in my frorum wich is a set up make people wake up or shake their hear once or twice is very interesting. TIME IS READY. I posted same letter in another community and I invited myfriends. In few hours I got 60 new friends and the community doubled its members.

The Admin there couldn't belive the power of a message. By placing right thing in right place everything is possible.

Governments in the "Old" Continent, Europe, are trying now to put a muzzle on human rights. Famous peaceful countries like Sweden is to decid to controll all our private life. There are demonstrations against that right now in Sweden.

Click above for Imagine by John Lennon

Happy Week End

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