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Neil Sperling

1645 Posts
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Take 15 and check this out - MasterCard approved
3/31/2008 10:38:22 AM
Membership means a GREAT deal!

One World United is an exploding new company. Our Members receive discounts at the point of sale when making purchases on their every day items from our participating merchants.

Our membership card
doubles as a MasterCard Debit card.

Affiliates can earn from up to 12 income streams in our unique (but complicated..LOL) commission/pay plan. Earn from growing our membership base as well as expanding our participating Merchants. Work with our Merchant services Department and merchants themselves may end up adding members to YOUR affiliate membership team.

Lots of money to be made for any serious business builders.


A Master Card that Doubles as a Discount Card.

Get the card that Saves!

Add One World United's Compensation plan
and EARN.

    Join my team,
 the team that 

Watch the 15 minute video by clicking here or on the banner below!

This is a GREAT opportunity to develop a residual income with a company that has been 4 years in the making. Legitimate and legal, MasterCard  approved and profitable for all. Customers save, affiliates EARN and Merchants get a built in customer loyalty program. Our Members are their customers.

Membership does mean a GREAT deal!

Click Here for a bigger picture!

Love Light and Laughter

I'm Neil Sperling


Re: Everyone - please post your top three business ventures here
3/31/2008 1:31:47 PM
Hi Neil, thanks for giving me the opportunity to post my offer:


Are you looking for Mega~Cash~Flow for your Business?

Well here’s where you’ll find it.

I'm working with a group of networkers that have come up with a great way of solving Cash~Flow and many other problems.  All great inventions are the solution to a problem ! Therefore, where there is a problem, there is always an~opportunity to come up with a solution and~profit !! 

We convert 'problems~into~profit' and a LOT of it!!

All we do is invite people to take a look at the benefits of Free Membership in our Fellowship. That's it!  We keep it simple and work together (no matter what our primary business) to the mutual benefit of each other. These benefits are HUGE...

No more fear of selling ever again !! Plenty of funds to advertise your business and much, much more !!  No more fear of failing !!

I would like to invite you to consider joining our Fellowship. You will find your invitation at the link below.

Do yourself a favour  and have a look !

Your partner in success


Re: Everyone - please post your top three business ventures here
3/31/2008 2:43:31 PM
My three top ventures are ....Healthy Coffee.... awesome health benefits please

Let me help you boost your business! selling, no presentations!

Anti-Aging Supplements!..http:///
Re: Everyone - please post your top three business ventures here
3/31/2008 3:03:46 PM

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You only have yourself to blame if you don't use/promote this system.

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It really is that simple.
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Call them if you have questions. They don't "hide" behind a website
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button at the top. They KNOW how to get you earning TODAY!


skype: flamashie

You Can Profit From The Power Of The Net's #1 Email Marketing System:
AutoMated Autoresponder
Thomas Richmond

15469 Posts
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Re: Everyone - please post your top three business ventures here
3/31/2008 3:27:55 PM
Greetings Neil, this is for everyone and anyone!! Getting a fresh start for the new Month,  here at Lazzeo's web community you know there really is so much to do here, learn what you can do here, post blogs, bulletins, use the forums, respond to the forums, use the groups and event section to promote your business, look through the polls and use it to talk about your business. Look through all the catagories through out the forums, join in with conversation. greet and welcome others, build relationships. theres games to play, you can rate each other you can put up videos, theres just so much to do here. also you can referr your friends and earn $1.00 with each referral. The referral board will be wiped away April 1,2008 so a new month will begin. We will keep track for those of you who havent reached your payout yet. Lets have a contest who can referr the most,There will be a 20.00 bonus for the winner.
AT YOUR SERVICE. Drop A Line With The Pros!! Chief Administrator & Support

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