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Re: Everyone - please post your top three business ventures here
3/25/2008 5:37:12 PM
This is the third time to post my three business hope someone is interested . because there is lots of money here
No1 newnetmail "the way email was meant to be; join now feel free to u grade to make it your home business http; http/
Neil Sperling

1645 Posts
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Traffic Exchanges - the Good, The Bad, The Ugly!
3/25/2008 9:51:14 PM
Traffic Exchanges, what are they. The good the bad and the ugly and how to make them work for you! If you are alreadyt familiar skip down to the blue section. Newbies- read it all..LOL

Getting traffic to your website is a must. It takes time to make the many on line systems work, but any system "worked" properly will bring your website traffic. The Key word "worked."   Traffic Exchanges DO Bring me business!

Traffic exchanges are simply this - a place to advertise your websites through a system whereby others are doing the same thing. Not so different in principle to advertising in classified print. When you advertise in print you share the page with other advertisers. Many times the people looking at classified are those that have advertisements in the paper themselves. That is what a traffic exchange is in principle - but with an exchange you are guaranteed others will have YOUR ad on their computer screen.

The way exchanges work is - you look at other peoples ads and in turn they look at yours. See- not so much different than print, only you can in most cases exchange views for free. You look at 2 ads in general and have yours displayed once, then with more surfing (viewing of ads) the ratio gets better on most sites -  closer to 1:1 view-show..... and with bonus's on some exchanges you can even better that! The more you surf the more credits you earn, and credits can be spent on full page views, banner displays and text ad displays. you spend your credits where you think they will earn you the most traffic.

The Good
Do they work? YES they do work. But like print- you have to get a lot of circulation to see the results in your pocket. The more your ad is viewed the better the chances of someone finding a desire to click on your page link and investigate your product or service.

The Bad
It takes time and effort. Yes you can purchase credits (guaranteed views) without surfing for them, and if you have the money that can be a good investment. So the bad is not that bad.

The Ugly
Many pages are filled with so many scripts they may lock your computer, also some sites contain spy ware. Solutions below!

Tips/solutions to make the good better, the bad palitable and the ugly controlled.

1- Make the Good even Gooder  -  Take time to look at the pages you have to view to earn credits. Look for key things that catch your eye.... find ways you can improve your TE pages with ideas you find looking at others. Improve your pages and you will gain more hits and thus make your time surfing proffitable. As with ad writing for a paper, improving and changing your pages (ads) keeping them fresh and exciting... they will become more effective.

Make your own splash pages to brand yourself and your product. Your Company supplied splash pages may be shown by others on the same TE as you, thus you will not stand out. Make your own splash pages. I recommend TETOOLBOX - they give free members FIVE splash pages you can develop yourself and use their rotator. A rotator is a system tool whereby you place all five splash pages into the rotator then you place the rotator url onto a Traffic Exchange. That way you surf for credits and only need to have one URL inputed in the Traffic Exchange and the rotator, rotates all five of your pages.   TETOOLBOX also has a system to track your views and click ratios..... it is a MUST in my books! (TETOOLBOX link below .... with jumping fish)

2- make the Bad good, by surfing more than one site at a time. Open different TE sites up each with their own browser tab. I recommend Firefox as this is simple to do with firefox. ( you'll want the other features listed below that firefox has has well.) Purchase credits on one site and surf others too.... that way you get a lot of credits every hour you surf. I  surf 5 sites at a time mixing 10 second timers with 30. With the Noscript, Web Crawler and Spyware Terminator,  I have very little computer problems and I try to surf an hour a day! (still using an old P3 comp with little Ram, and still very little problems)

3- Make the Ugly Controlable -  Install Firefox Noscript - - that elimates most computer lock ups and also stops video clips from playing while you surf...... if you wish to hear a particular sites video/audio you can click on "noscript" and tempoarily allow it to play. Also install the FREE software Spyware Terminator and Web Crawler. both here
 Both these tools make sufing much safer as they block most spy ware from being installed onto your computer.

Below are my favorite TE links and also the TETOOLBOX splash page link.
Traffic Exchanges that WORK!

Check out Traffic Coop
1-1 ratio plus other goodies.
Easiest Site around to gain credits! I don't get a lot of views here - but my click ratio is exceptionally high! Worth surfing now and then to build credits easy!

Royal Surf
This one is FUN, as it has a Cool game
that gives you extra credits if you win!

Traffic Bunnies
Don't let the name fool ya!
This site is growing like crazy and quality hits abound. Loads of goodies plus a FREE rotator too!

Gte your Website Traffic HOPPING with Traffic Bunnies

Start Exchange
Cleanest and smoothest running site I know!
Hits are quality and site is VERY active! I LOVE this site! Join my team on this site as well. Surfing Bunnies is my teams name, we are doing great as a team too!


Traffic G
This site has GREAT unique hit ratio. Don't let the 30 second timer stop you from using this site - I get VERY VERY high clicks to views on TrafficG!

Love Light and Laughter

Neil Sperling



Re: Everyone - please post your top three business ventures here
3/26/2008 3:51:01 AM
Thank you Neil.

Hey, This is a brand-new social site ...  so you may not yet be aware of it ...

( It has no connection with any other program, but can be used to enhance and extend any existing social or business links you already have.)


 Check out the following web site sent by Don and Nancy Failla ...

 It started on the 1st March and it has already grown to over 5000 members in 22 days.

It is totally F.R.E.E.   It will remain totally F.R.E.E.  

But the Advertising Revenue will be shared out among the members!!!     
( Home Page - Movie and Information )

Did you know ...

MySpace has 270 million members and they take in $30,000,000 in advertising each month ...  and they keep it all.

ZenZuu will pay to its members, 80% of their profit from all sources.

Don said, "Sponsor two friends ... pays ten levels.  Sponsor ten, and you get a 100 percent matching bonus on everyone on your tenth level."   He continued,  "This is the first program I have seen in 40 years, where I believe we could make one million a month ... and get there in one year!!   By the end of our first month we should have around 8,000 members."

It's a 'no-lose' prospect ...  if you like it - join-up and pass it on ( with your link ).

If it's not for you ... that's fine - don't join ... but do your friends (and me) a favour and pass it on to them anyway ( with my link above ) ...

uVme Where Fun Becomes Your Income!

I’m Game If You Are

u versus me. The ultimate game experience. Simply AWESOME

I’m so happy…

We’ve always wanted this.

Finally, I’ve found a way we can advertise our businesses for free!

Basically, you can use these techniques like I am, to expose your business
to thousands for little or no money at all.

I was pretty excited about this, but was just SHOCKED after I saw
these videos. You really need to check it out…

The videos are incredible, Let me know what you think!

Kim Fazzolari

59 Posts
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Re: Everyone - please post your top three business ventures here
3/26/2008 7:27:14 AM
Thanks Neil for suppyling this post.. YOUR OPPORTUNITY for Sweet Success! 9 out of 10 People Love Chocolate Americans Consume 12lbs a Year Weekly & Residual Income From Home Own Your Own Business Turnkey Success System No stock! Amazing Automated System!
Re: Everyone - please post your top three business ventures here
3/27/2008 10:30:47 PM
    Right to the point. 

If you have people you can network with then may i suggest you consider a brand new mlm that makes shopping online fun faster and easier than ever using your regular search tools--Yahoo, Google. It involves giving away a FREE software download to highlight eBay listings without having to go there direct unless you see what you like and want to buy it.  There's a very nice income plan that goes with it.

quick 1-2 look at

3 minute flash video and then a quick demo and you'll know if this makes sense.

much success...


PS also great way for eBAy Sellers to earn income from client purchases of other vendors no matter what they buy on eBay.

Here's to what might be... Anthony

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