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Peter Fogel

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Re: Special Request...
9/23/2007 7:42:06 AM

Hi James,

I'm assuming that this forum is open to non-Christians since you sent out your invite to all your friends and I'm sure at least some of them are not Christians.

The question you posed is interesting and the majority really didn't answer your question. The question was: What does the word Christian mean to you. Note that you asked what the word Christian means and not what being a Christian means to you. This might have been a mistake on your part but I will relate to what the word means  to me.

The word Christian means (to me) anyone belonging to the Christian faith or different denominations and religions within Christianity.

All the attributes of being a Christian that the members posted here are in essence the mainstays of almost all religions. The main one being LOVE.

There was a great Rabbi that was asked by one of his students: "Rabbi, can you teach me the whole bible (OT) while standing  on one leg"? The Rabbi answered "Ve'Ahavta le'reiacha kamocha" which translated means "love thy neighbor (original means friend) as thyself".

So, you see the premise of love is a part of most religions and holy books and if I abide by this golden rule it doesn't make me a Christian but just one who abides by this rule and commandment and in the short and long term tries to make this world a better place for all. 

All the best,


Peter Fogel
Babylon 7
James Wright

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Re: Special Request...
9/23/2007 9:39:47 AM

Peter, the reason I asked the question as I did, was because I know there are people out there who are not christians. It does not matter whether you are a practicing christian or not, I just wanted to know what it means to you. Most everyone who responded in this forum thread gave their opinion in the correct manner. Every religion has a different aspect and that was what I was primarily looking for. There was a response from one individual who is an atheist. Thank you for giving your opinion, that's what counts. I look forward to seeing you again!!

James Wright

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Re: Special Request...
9/23/2007 9:55:26 AM

Mike, you are a trip!! I just learned some history about Catholicism. One thing you didn't mention was the fact the Catholic Church was the instigator of changing worship to Sunday instead of Saturday, which was the day that Christ worshipped on, as was His custom. They claimed they were a higher authority than God, which was blasphemy, and the church was almost destroyed because of it. I don't like to talk about it much, because it may offend someone. I will have evidence in a later forum thread. Thanks for sharing this tid bit, and I will look forward to future comments from you my friend!!

Michael Caron

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Re: To Know and Do...
9/23/2007 1:33:52 PM
Hi James,
  It is true that I did not mention the changing of days of worship, however in more recent years, many Catholic Churches have added on a day of worship.  Many Catholics can now attend church on either Saturday or Sunday.  There is usually one Mass on Saturday, usually around 4:30 or 5:00p.m. plus the usual church schedule on Sunday.  This has a few advanyages.  Those that work on Sunday have no excuse not to attend Mass on Saturday because that Mass is designed for maximum attendence as those that do work on Saturday are usually finished work by 4:00p.m.  The Catholic Church has also eliminated many of the Holy Days of obligation, plus you no longer have to fast for twenty-four hours before receiving Holy Communion.  All of these changes came about to draw people back to the church so that more money could be put into the collection plate each week. The reason that we have Leap year is because the rotation of our planet takes more than 24 hours.  The is a fraction of an hour more than the normal twenty four hour time frame that we know of.  A Pope (I usually like to refer to him as Poop) in the fifteenth or 16th century decided to round it out to the nearest whole number and calculated that every four years by adding one day would straighten everything out.  It was close, but no cigar.  There was still about seven minutes left over that was basicall ignored, however seven discarded minutes per day multiplies to the fact that by not using that seven minutes is like ignoring the gallons of water each day that flows into our Oceans due to melting Ice Caps to where we now realize that we do indeed have a problem.  So, when someone asks "What Time is it?"  I have no idea nor do I know what true year it is either. Even though the Catholic Religion stresses love and understanding, as well as being truthful, they were the religion that formed the first Army called the Crusaders.  There was also a time in history when the Pope offered people a chance to be forgiven of their sins and being worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven IF they made a sizeable donation to the church.  I am not saying all of this out of malice or resentment but rather out of Love.  Too many people Christians or otherwise, have turned away from GOD for the SINS that MAN has put upon them.  Reading the answers to this thread I have noticed that there are many that Love God and want to be Christ-Like.  Love, understanding, holding back Hate as difficult as it may be at times, and just being good to one another is what the ultimate message that God has being trying to tell us for years.  Be kind to one another and you will be way on your way to being Christ-Like.
  A few years ago, I saw the light at the end of the tunnel.  Fortunetely, Shirley pulled me back before the train hit me.  If you see the light, make sure iy is the right light.

God Bless You

Michael J. Caron (Mike) TRUTH IN ADVERTISING!! Friends First. Business Later.
James Wright

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Re: To Know and Do...
9/23/2007 3:24:39 PM

Mike, I have actually been to a Saturday evening mass, just to say I've experienced it. They spotted me real quick, as I wasn't making the right moves when I got up front. It was kind of embarrasing because everyone was watching me. I won't go into any more details!!!


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