Hi James,
I'm assuming that this forum is open to non-Christians since you sent out your invite to all your friends and I'm sure at least some of them are not Christians.
The question you posed is interesting and the majority really didn't answer your question. The question was: What does the word Christian mean to you. Note that you asked what the word Christian means and not what being a Christian means to you. This might have been a mistake on your part but I will relate to what the word means to me.
The word Christian means (to me) anyone belonging to the Christian faith or different denominations and religions within Christianity.
All the attributes of being a Christian that the members posted here are in essence the mainstays of almost all religions. The main one being LOVE.
There was a great Rabbi that was asked by one of his students: "Rabbi, can you teach me the whole bible (OT) while standing on one leg"? The Rabbi answered "Ve'Ahavta le'reiacha kamocha" which translated means "love thy neighbor (original means friend) as thyself".
So, you see the premise of love is a part of most religions and holy books and if I abide by this golden rule it doesn't make me a Christian but just one who abides by this rule and commandment and in the short and long term tries to make this world a better place for all.
All the best,