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Patricia Bartch

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Re: Friends Please Be Aware!
9/5/2007 3:08:40 PM are Shirley are 2 LONG TIME Great Adland members!!!   DO not take offense!!!    You are NOT begging!!!


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Juliana Bond

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Re: Friends Please Be Aware!
9/5/2007 3:26:55 PM
Hello Monica, Great advice.  reminds me of a poem I wrote on the same subject:


why do you trust me?
I could be an absolute con!
You could give me loads of your money
and then find suddenly that I have gone!

You could think that I am your best friend
and give me your every trust,
I could tell you to join my fantastic team
and you could then, feel that you must!

I could say that I am a millionaire
and that I will make you a star,
then you would be oh so star-struck
and you'de take it, I wonder how far?

I could say that I'm an 'old lady'
and I really need to be supported!
I could say 'I am so desperate for your help'
I'm about to be deported!

I could tell you that I am a guru
and that your finances will now be just fine!
I could say that I am an expert
at building you a downline!

I could give you my 'heartfelt' friendship
and 'chat to you everyday'
I could say that I really 'do love you'
though I don't KNOW YOU in any way!

The internet is dangerous
we all think that we know each other,
we build relationships and spread the love
as if we were sister and brother,

But We don't know each other at all
we just 'crave' to be some-ones best friend
we believe all the hype and the bullshit
and don't care that it could be pretend!

There's one thing that people should heed
"we can all be who you want us to be!"
I tell you that because it is the truth
I wonder, do you trust me?

That's the power of the internet!!!!!


Thanks Monica, You are a great Friend

With Love and Hugs

Juliana :)

Monica S

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Re: Friends Please Be Aware!
9/5/2007 3:46:34 PM

Thanks to everyone for your opinions and input.. :)

Juliana, thank you for sharing your poem here with us.  It is sooo true.  You never know who you are actually dealing with when online.  One can never be too careful.




P.S. Patricia, on 09/03/07 Michael and I exchanged some pm's via adland.. and he is well aware that this thread is not about him.  That is why he returned and made a second post.. or did you read thru the entire thread to notice?  It would help to know the facts before running to other forums talking of things you are not fully aware of..

Thank You


Joe Downing

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Re: Friends Please Be Aware!
9/5/2007 6:18:46 PM
Hi Monica,

A very good topic indeed. 

It is true, you never really know who is for real here or not... unless you have developed good instincts OR know them in real person.   But because two people online know each other in real person, doesn't mean that they are really who they say they are.  Scammers usually work in pairs or more.

The world becomes many mirrors.  By watching what a person does and how they do it, will reflect how they will be with you. 

Be cautious, but be friendly.

Zhe Neighborhood Watch Member 

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Monica S

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Re: Friends Please Be Aware!
9/6/2007 1:53:44 PM

Thank you  Steven, Bj, Dennis, Gaby, Beth, Mary, Lias, Nick, Jo, Donna, Juliana, and Joe for stopping by and posting.  

Thank you Michael for coming back.. I am glad that we got everything ok thru pm :)



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