Could it be that the promise was broken because the person intended action that was beyond their current capabilities?
Could it be that the promise was broken because of something you did to lose the person's support?
Could it be that the promise was broken because the person committed verbally to keep the peace rather than create controversy?
Could it be that the promise was broken because you misunderstood what they promised?
Dear friends, remember that in every single situation where two things are in contrast, there is a new desire created. What I mean is this - if someone does something you don't approve of, or breaks a promise, you get to choose how you react emotionally and what you do next.
When you feel negative emotion because the person broke the promise, realize that this is an opporunity to choose a new course of action. It is through the contrast of our lives that our desires are born.
Allow me to use Bogdan's example of the creation of AdlandPro. His partners backed out, and he chose to stick to his desire, his vision, and see it through despite the support they took away.
The person with BURNING DESIRE and FAITH that they will achieve their desire CAN NOT BE STOPPED!
Imagine if everyone in the world thought and believed the same way. Everyone liked the same food, the same games, the same everything. There would be no contrast, and therefore no reason to be creative ever again, and life wouldn't be worth living. This level of conformity is the absence of creativity.
One last thought - the most important promise to keep is the one you make to yourself.
Make it a great day (literally),