
Who is Bill Braylark?

Bill Braylark

Bill Braylark
Member SinceMonday, September 27, 2004
Last ActivityThursday, October 8, 2009
LocationLithonia, Georgia, United States United States
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About Me
About Me
I enjoy making money and meeting new friends and associates. I love my Lord Jesus as my Christ and Savior. I am easy going, relaxed and love life. I enjoy making others smile. My goal is to live to a 120 healthy years young without pain and having all of my strength, my wit and personality.
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Paul Falardeau - (12/7/2005 10:07:24 AM) : It's great to have you on my friend list.
Here's to your success,

Paul Falardeau

Check out the hottest business opportunity on the internet today.
View the informative presentation here:
Bill Braylark - (12/7/2005 10:07:24 AM) : Thanks Paul,

Your vote of encouragement is a vital part of success in life. I acknowledge that you have a date with destiny to become successful in a very big way. You are already operating in one of the keys to make that happen. Stay in the arena of faith!

Warm regards,

President & CEO
Bill Braylark - (12/6/2005 6:09:14 PM) : Thanks Jerry,

Your kindness preceeds you as light, opening doors that were once shut...

Presisdent & CEO
Robert Dennis - (10/21/2005 5:14:36 PM) : Hello Bill,
I finally recieved the time to explore your program in full content. You know in between progamming and marketing, both seem like chinese arithmetic. However, the Rule of 72.. is very easy to understand. I just wanted to commend you on the matrix of your product and
applaud your staff and design.
I would like to take this time to use the Rule of 72 in a most possitive order.. to compound our friendship a million levels deep.
Keep up the good work.. and keep in touch.

Mr. Robert Dennis
Mrs Francine Dennis
Ms. Sheniqua Dennis
Opulent Success
Bill Braylark - (10/21/2005 5:14:36 PM) : Dear Robert, Francine and Sheniqua,

Hello to you all and a BIG thanks for your hearty recommendations. It surely brightens up the world to know that there are some good people still left among the living :-). You and your family are obviously on top of that group!

YES, friendship is GOLDEN and I really look forward in cultivating ours to make it a lasting one. This Adlandpro is really a top notch networking home to afford us the priviledge to meeting one another. I'm Looking forward to sharing more with you next time...

Warm regards,

President & CEO

Anthony. Hobbs. 'security Guy - (10/14/2005 1:59:26 PM) :
Bill is a new friend of mine, but already I can see that he will become a very good friend.
He is a credit to the Adlandpro community.
Bill Braylark - (10/14/2005 1:59:26 PM) : Dear Anthony,

Yes, I agree that our friendship shall grow into a strong and healthy bonded relationship. I Count myself included in the spirit of "JOY", whenever such a classie looking couple rates my site a "10". Thank you for your input and friendship!

Warm regards,

President & CEO
Richard Fishman - (10/4/2005 1:19:20 PM) : Normal view To:,
From: Richard Fishman
Subject: New Invite
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2005 20:50:00 -0700

Please join with me and accept my invitation to be my AdlandPro friend.

If you have found something that is Really putting $$ in your pockets than the Best of Fortune to you and while you are enjoying the benefits of other programs, why don't you Catch a BUZZ in the morning with 1-3 ounces of Fruta Vida for vitality and mental clarity (5x stronger than Gingo)?


DON'T SAY ANYTHING TO ANYONE ABOUT USING THIS PRODUCT!! People will definitely NOTICE the difference in YOU...and want it for in the movie 'When Harry met Sally!!

Just get it for yourself and I will PAY the shipping charges for 6 months

Folks, this thing is getting out of hand!

People from Veema, XanGo and Goji are coming on board!


New companies touting 'AMAZING' drinks from the Brazilian rainforest and the Himalayans are springing up all over the internet. They all claim to have great taste, great health benefits and great scientific evidence to back up their claims.

All the drinks from XanGo, Vemma, Goji and Fruta Vida (Oprah supports this drink) have wonderful testimonies to report. AND so did Herbalife, Shaklee, Nutrition Express to name even more (Don't YOU wish you could have been riding ANY one of those EXPLOSIVE waves?)! So what does that mean to you, the distributor?

They are ALL GREAT companies with GREAT products producing GREAT testimonies...and that is GREAT for the COMPANIES, but how about the distributor? YOU & me?!

Only the GREAT distributors in those GREAT companies made the GREAT incomes that were Built on the backs off CUSTOMERS. And for MOST distributors that joined were Only interested in earning a few extra hundred dollars every month, but the Compensation plans were TOO confusing to operate within and the volume requirements were too HIGH for the regular people to achieve Every month and MOST didn't want to put out a whole lot of effort or money!!!

They dropped out from confusion and from having a garage full of products they couldn't sell and that they were required to purchase in order to maintain imaginery volume levels...just to get a check! When they dropped out, their customers went to the upline. Sound familiar?!

I know you are interested in creating as much money as you can possibly imagine and maybe even more, so when I present you with a company that has 1 a Kleenex or Clorox that created the namesakes for those industries, and still continue to dominate those industries...and this product is showing not only scientific results, but also real life results and it is further proven by the volume of sales so far being $6 million in the 1st 9 months.

So, if the product is working and the sales volume is skyrocketing then it stands to reason that the people that are using the product are getting good results and re-ordering faithfully month after month and the people who introduced those consumers to the product must be making not only good income month after month, but also residual income from re-orders.

The wonderful thing about the Compensation plan is that it's so simple because it is a 2x7 matrix and the legs DO NOT have to be balanced or qualified or ANY other kind of confusing qualifers.

There are NO Monthly volume requirements to qualify for getting your product FREE or even earning significant income on a monthly basis from simply ordering your own supply.

There are 100% MATCHING Bonuses that EVERYONE can receive by just faithfully ordering for themselves and let the commissions on those orders flow both down and up in the matrix. Even customers can earn because they are placed in the matrix as well.

The only thing missing is your participation in the cash flow.

There is NO better opportunity that PAYS as BIG and tastes as good!

No Compensation plan comes close to standing up to FRUTA VIDA's.

See for yourself and JOIN TODAY!


Well, I WILL!!
Bill Braylark - (10/4/2005 1:19:20 PM) : Dear Adlandpro Friends,

The above information is very informative but I think that all Adlandpro Associates will agree, that someone's Adlandpro-site, other than your own, is NOT the proper venue to display ads for your own selfish means. Please have regards for others here in Adlandpro especially, because we are all here to be friends first, then if we can do some business together, that is fine too!

This particular area has been designed specifically for others to "RATE YOU ON THIS SITE ONLY!" That is it, nothing else.

Let us all respect each others Adlandpro-sites. Thank you.

Warm regards,

President & CEO
Kathy Hamilton - (9/23/2005 11:32:20 AM) : Hello, very interesting site,please join our forums and share your business,glad you are here and welcome to adlandpro,kathy martin


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