Hi Bogdan,
Its been a while... how are you?
Reading these quotes and comments I find myself agreeing but disagreeing :-)
Both Mark Twain and obviously Mr. Lavater were intelligent, inspired folks looking to be of service to their fellow man and that is a good quality eh?
I'm finding it more and more to my dismay that the human race as a whole is depending more and more on its own thoughts and instincts than it is on the spiritual reliablity of a higher power.
God NEVER breaks His/Her promises! God provides us all with the abilities and talents which you, for one, have made good use of in your efforts to be of service to this online community and to everyone who has become a part of Adland, myself incuded :-)
"He who acts conscientiously toward himself, will act so toward others" is another way of saying that, should you act like this you will be acting in the image of our Creator with His purpose in mind.
I am responsible for my actions - true, but in the grand scheme of things I'm really not responsible for the outcome because God will level the playing field whenever, however, He deems it necessary. He has ALL the power...
Have a wonderful day,