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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: May I See Your Identification , Please?
8/28/2007 2:21:22 PM
Hi Arthur, Even tho you do not have a large friends list, I venture to guess that a large percentage know the 'old coot' with the dog. We know you live in Spain. You are thought of in affectinate terms even tho you present the tough guy. We all love the 'ol coot'.
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: May I See Your Identification , Please?
8/28/2007 2:23:03 PM
Lorraine, The old one was something opportunity waiting to happen. Let's see how the new one works out, Lefty!!!
Phillip Black

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Re: May I See Your Identification , Please?
8/28/2007 4:15:02 PM

Hi Mary,

When you're right, you're right.  Anytime I hear the words teachers and class, I think of you, just like "attitude is everything" always brings Jill to mind.  Of course, it helps that you and Jill are among the classiest ladies I know here at Adland.  Not flattery, just a fact.

I used to use the Henry Ford quote "Whether you believe you can or believe you can't, you're probably right", just to show my belief in the Power of Positive thinking.  Then I fell into line with the majority, and started pushing my favorite Programs in my Signature Line.  Silly me.

Thanks as always for another interesting & informative post.

Have An Awesome Week,



“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: May I See Your Identification , Please?
8/28/2007 4:39:19 PM
Hi Bruce, Sorry it took so long but here are some suggestions. Look on the left side for great quotes. Here's one I found that I want to use sometime: Here's some other ideas for slogans which I thought of: >>Life is a gift--good health is a choice >>Have a great life >>Abundant life begins with seaweed supplements >>Herre's to your health >>The Good Life Mignon McLaughlin The time to begin most things is ten years ago. *********************************************************** Well Bruce, go check it out. None of us are getting any younger. ********************************************************** Here's a thought I found on the Heartquotes site: "If you study to remember you will forget, if you study to understand you will remember." Mary
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: May I See Your Identification , Please?
8/28/2007 9:34:10 PM
Hi Phil, I really like the statements that are a take off on real quotes. I also like to see quotes of people who overcame adversity, like Helen Keller, Ford, FDR, Ghandi, M. King etc. Then I have 2 people to associte with the quote.

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