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Mary Hofstetter

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May I See Your Identification , Please?
8/28/2007 7:57:50 AM

Hi to all my friends here in Adlandpro. 

 Don't leave home without your identification.  You just wouldn't do that  would you??

"May I have your identification?", a familar phrase in today's society, applies to internet marketing also.  So how will people remember who you are and remember something about you. In real life people match your identifcation photo, SS number, address, etc. with the person standing there.  If it doesn't match, you don't get service.


We remember people association.  I think of Jill Bachman when I hear anyone say "attitude is everything".  Why because that is her signature statement. I always think of Lorraine Smith when anyone speaks of being left handed. Of course, she sells left handed items for those looking for special tools and devices.

My signature statement  "retired teachers still have class" is a play on another phrase I saw many years ago, "Teachers have class".  It probably appeared on a cup or t-shirt. It must be catchy as many people remind me of that phrase in communications.

My other identifcation is the Panda Bear.  One person even told me "You  are an awesome couple".  That is another whole story from the past.

Recently a new phrase has been added with the creation of the Panda Pointers. I now use the phrase "I mentor for free" and that promotes htt://Mary.mentoringforfree and the Panda Pointers series.


So that we can get to know each other better tell us your  identification phrase and why you chose it. What was  its source? Is it associated with another quote.  Does google love your signature?

Don't have one, then that should go on your TaDoo list. Come back and register your phrase here with us.  Need help, leave your name and what you are about  and someone might just think of one for you.

Note:Quotes are not copyright material.  Go for it.


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Arthur Webster

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Re: May I See Your Identification , Please?
8/28/2007 8:05:07 AM

Hi, Mary,

I don't use it so much at Adland nowadays but my claim is

"Probably the happiest man alive".

The Old Coot

Re: May I See Your Identification , Please?
8/28/2007 9:51:12 AM
Very interesting point, Mary - I just changed my sig line, so we'll see...
Bruce Butler

186 Posts
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Re: May I See Your Identification , Please?
8/28/2007 10:57:27 AM

Mary: I use seaweed. You must have been a great teacher to have in school with all your passion for helping people, I wish I had had more teachers like you but when I attended grade school there wasn't too much information available about dyslexia even though the Orton-Gillingham method was being used in parts of the USA in the 40-50's

Thanks, Bruce-Seaweed Seaweedman Help Veterans
Re: May I See Your Identification , Please?
8/28/2007 11:01:43 AM

Hi Mary:

Great idea.

If I may quote from my book of poetry and short stories:

" Never will two people find a friendship where one is not possesive of the others actions.'

Play on....

Joe Buccheri



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