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Sarah Pritchard

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Person Of The Week
Re: It's Time To Honor The 108th Person Of The Week (POTW)!!!
8/26/2007 9:55:17 AM
Hello Branka,

Thank you for your kind words.

I realised later on after I'd done the posting that German wasn't your native language.  Sorry for my mistake but I see you speaking German with Janet and picked up your love of the language, as you said.

Danke & Bisous (German & French - Thanks & kisses [or love],

Glad to see that you are enjoying your spotlight.

Best wishes,

Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
Re: It's Time To Honor The 108th Person Of The Week (POTW)!!!
8/26/2007 12:58:36 PM



Dear Susan Mercieca,

Thank you for congrats and your kind words, they are very appreciated.

I hope your "announcement" for my better days will be seen by daily light.

It must be :)


Bless you and all yours!




Re: It's Time To Honor The 108th Person Of The Week (POTW)!!!
8/26/2007 1:03:28 PM


Dear Terry,

How great to see you back! Each time I meet you I feel blessed. And embraced with one great unconditional love.

Thank you Terry, I know how bussy these days you are!

Bless you and embrace you with love of my soul!






Re: It's Time To Honor The 108th Person Of The Week (POTW)!!!
8/26/2007 1:10:19 PM



Dear Bj.

Great honor and joy I feel each time when I meet you. I am so glad that you came to this party.

Thanks for the congrats and warm words. Your graphics is beautiful and you can think of it as of snitched one  :)


Bless you and your dearest ones!



Terry Gorley

2831 Posts
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Re: It's Time To Honor The 108th Person Of The Week (POTW)!!!
8/26/2007 1:11:58 PM


Its been wonderful to see you as our POTW Queen and to celebrate with you.

I'm here for brief moments until sometime into September.  I miss spending more time here with you and all my other wonderful Friends.

It is with sadness and heavy heart I visit ALP today with the fire disaster in Greece.

I bless you and embrace you with love of my soul

I am forever grateful to you for enriching my life




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