Bonjour Dave,
Well, I was thinking about the fact that we hadn't heard from you for a while, as I was switching on my puter and voila, a rant from you.
That's some powerful rant, I'd say.
Totally understand what you are saying.
Stay cool, take some deep breaths and carry on.............
I've cut down on a lot of what I was doing and have decided to concentrate on my writing. I find that life is far less frustrating and far more rewarding.
What Arthur said was quite right. Many of the adverts on any of the exchanges or social networks etc. seem to be disguised brown stuff (to put it politely, as I'm a lady) which are full of promises that lead people down a rocky path, if they are not the people in at the beginning.
I think a lot of people get taken in or are intrigued and then they become depressed and frustrated and they take it out on whoever they can target (in this case, You).
At the end of the day, people have to realise that they are the ones responsible for their actions and their decisions, but it seems thats so many people look for scapegoats and have a need to complain.
Anyway, I'm sending you a cuddle.
Best wishes,