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Nick Sym

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Re: Free Ain't Cheap Enough for Some...
8/2/2007 3:28:12 AM
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Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Free Ain't Cheap Enough for Some...
8/2/2007 4:52:37 AM
Bonjour Dave,

Well, I was thinking about the fact that we hadn't heard from you for a while, as I was switching on my puter and voila, a rant from you.

That's some powerful rant, I'd say.

Totally understand what you are saying.

Stay cool, take some deep breaths and carry on.............

I've cut down on a lot of what I was doing and have decided to concentrate on my writing.  I find that life is far less frustrating and far more rewarding.

What Arthur said was quite right.  Many of the adverts on any of the exchanges or social networks etc. seem to be disguised brown stuff (to put it politely, as I'm a lady) which are full of promises that lead people down a rocky path, if they are not the people in at the beginning. 

I think a lot of people get taken in or are intrigued and then they become depressed and frustrated and they take it out on whoever they can target (in this case, You).

At the end of the day, people have to realise that they are the ones responsible for their actions and their decisions, but it seems thats so many people look for scapegoats and have a need to complain.

Anyway, I'm sending you a cuddle.

Best wishes,


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Jenny SJ

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Re: Free Ain't Cheap Enough for Some...
8/2/2007 5:29:33 AM
Hello Dave

Yes you have been sorely missed and so have your rants, here at Adland, Apsense and all the other communities you write on.

I look forward to another year of your wonderful and wise rants to teach us all more things that we need to know.  There you go .. not only freee, but you are a one man walking public service! lol

Some people are never happy - even with free - on or off line.  We do seem to live in a world with an "entitlement"   mindset in the West

And I would like to thank Arthur for yet another oh so quotable pearl

I have said many times that the Internet Marketing crowd is small and incestuous - it seems it is also canibalistic

You are so right Arthur - giving it away may riase some suspicions, but when you charge for rubbish memership of an internet opportunity - then people are happier with the BS they've bought and then they go off and promote it  to a lot of other people.

Take Care and good to see you back

Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Free Ain't Cheap Enough for Some...
8/2/2007 8:30:27 AM
Hi Dave, Hope you feel better now. It always pays to get it off your chest. You have some advantages to this be an internet problem. 1) You can cool off and rewrite your e-mail responses. Verbally one can never take it back or re-word an offending statement. 2) You don't have to see these people in person and be reminded of how they took advantage of you. 3) You can explode with whatever language you like in the privacy of your office and not to people's faces. For those very reasons people feel free to act as they do on the internet. They think they won't have to account to anyone. Personally I prefer to conduct myself in the same way in all aspects of life. Have a good day and keep the blood pressure down!!!
John Partington

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Re: Free Ain't Cheap Enough for Some...
8/2/2007 11:43:20 AM

Hi Dave,

Right on mate, there are more THICK people on this planet than intelligent people!

So here is a computer lesson for them

Best Wishes


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