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Dave Cottrell

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Re: Free Ain't Cheap Enough for Some...
9/6/2007 2:47:23 AM
Hi Teresa,

It's very good to have your words of wit and wisdom here!

Yes, there are still a lot of good people around - we need always to remember that and also to remember that the bad ones just SEEM to be very numerous.

I like your statement about shaking it off.  I tell a lot of people that you have to learn to shrug in this life - it's kind of like shaking it off.  Just shrug and let the trouble slide off your shoulders!

God bless,

Dave Cottrell

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Re: Free Ain't Cheap Enough for Some...
9/6/2007 3:11:30 AM
Hi Arthur,

It's good to see you back in the saddle, again!  Things get a little quiet around here...

Let's see...  employers find it difficult to get rid of lazy, unproductive employees... hmmmm... the government has that one figured out:  Promote them!!  Make it someone else's problem...

National lotteries...  I think we should make them mandatory...  get rid of income tax and force everyone to buy lottery tickets every week.  What a concept!  You still get all their money, but they think they're going to get something back!!

Dumbing down of ejumication...  hey, if the guy can count to ten with mittens on... hire him...

Crime...  throw all the law enforcement officials, bureaucrats, lawyers and politicians in jail and make the present prison population run the jails... that should take care of that nicely!!

There.  Having solved all the major problems of society, I think I'll see if my neighbor is watching his new Beemer...  it would look mighty nice in my driveway (with a new paint job, of course...)  :-D

This world does, indeed, seem to be standing on its head, but as long as there are a few voices of reason left, there's still a chance that a few more will get their heads screwed on straight!

God bless,

Dave Cottrell

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Re: Free Ain't Cheap Enough for Some...
12/5/2012 3:36:47 AM
That is a great video, Michael. Would you mind adding that to my thread, The Murder of the English Language ?

It would fit in there VERY well!

Thanks, and God bless,
