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Judy Woodson

600 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
7/30/2007 9:33:43 AM

What a marvelous forum this is, Branka!

Looking through all the responses so far is like looking at a disco ball in the dark. (remember those?) Each person here has shone their light on a facet - each different and yet all part of the same wonderful whole.

You have struck a chord with many of us here, my friend.

I do hope this continues to evolve - I, for one, certainly intend to return.

A most play-full Monday to you.


Juliana Bond

1559 Posts
Invite Me as a Friend
Person Of The Week
7/30/2007 9:44:29 AM
Hello Branka,

I have suffered but I did not 'choose' to suffer.
As a child, I was very weak both physically and emotionally. I sought protection and comfort from my Mother.

I suffered greatly both emotionally and physically. When I became an adult I suffered from physical abuse from my first partner (My eldest Son's Father and abuser).

Now, I like to think that I did not 'choose' to suffer but rather suffering chose me. I have often wondered if you can be born a 'victim' or is it something that I have done to provoke or attract negativity? I do know that I did not deserve the suffering caused to me by my Father.

I was always extremely close and emotionally reliant on my Mother. When I was told that she had a terminal illness I was not only horrified but overwhelmed by despair!

I sat quietly alone one night and really thought about how I was going to deal with the loss? What was going to be the best way forward for me?  I searched myself for strength as I was so afraid of not being able to cope with the challenges of life without my Mother.

I chose to make something positive out of something negative for my own sake and for that of my children. I realised that as much as I needed my Mother, my children needed me and I did not want them to suffer due to my weakness.

Before my Mum died she told me; "Make your mark in this world, make a difference so that you will always be remembered" Those words stuck with me and on this night when I sat and thought about what was to be my way forward I decided to pay heed to my Mothers words.

I decided that I would celebrate my Mother's life in my heart and I would take all that I had suffered and use it to help others who suffer and to prevent others from suffering. I decided to make it my mission to protect our worlds children.

Along time ago I decided to accept my physical suffering and to not get too down about it. As long as it is me who is suffering I am perhaps preventing someone else from suffering. Perhaps that is God's will. Perhaps that is my purpose, I don't know.

Over-all Branka, to answer your question, Yes. I deliberately sat down and decided to find in myself the strength and positivity to move forward. There is a proverb: "That which doesn't kill you will only make you stronger" and I strongly believe that is so.

I do think that those who are more fortunate, or as you say 'those who have better luck' are generally not as strong emotionally.

Someone who has never suffered is not equipped to deal with suffering. I do find strength through suffering but suffering is not my choice.

Thank You Branka for this most interesting topic

With Love and Blessings

Juliana ~
7/30/2007 10:05:04 AM

Hello Thomas Richmond,

Thank you for this great contribution! As always, you are watching down on the road with your great faith and extremely positive attitude.

"People are less impressed with our words than they are with our actions of love for one another."

Honestly, I was expecting your own amazing life story,  in it`s full size or partially. It is not only inspiring, it is living witness of your great fight and victory.

Looking forward to meet you here, bless you



7/30/2007 10:33:03 AM

Hello Bruce,

I am so glad you have found this room :). Thanks for coming in.

Your contribution is based on your Christian`s believes and I really appreciate them. I was born also in Christan's family. Our friend Rajaran has his own beliefs and his own spiritual path. Neil and me - we are just seekers for the truth - through our own hearts.

You have One name to follow up and to be embraced and cherished with Him. I suppose this choice come from your heart.

This big hug sent for Juliana - how wonderful from you!

And your support to Thomas, all this certify that you are thinking of Communion. With transparency  on your mind.

It would be interesting to hear from you after some another posts.

Bless you,




7/30/2007 3:10:26 PM

Hi Branka & all friends

It is very hard to give a word or two to all these beautiful thoughts.I am going to put only some marks.

Yes I was Born as a Catholic and still am one.Going to mass whenever time allows me,cannot make it always every week.To give you all some more info on myself,I have been for 7 years in an American brothers school and high school in Ethiopia.Among subjects was MORAL where we had in one part discussions about different religions concerning Christianity,Buddhism,Confucionisam,Hinduism and Koran compared to Bible.

Now my point on which I will start is part of Rajaram's molecule combining.Let us start with molecule breaking-what is the effect?Production of energy.In combining  molecules this energy would probably be consumed.New born child has consumed a good deal of energy that was spilled over from some place.In consuming this energy there was partial energy from his ancestors who's death brought energy into the energy pool.

How many of you have heard a small child speaking of some details from times of your fathers or grandfathers time.I have.Eastern religions give this ability to reincarnation.Knowledge of physics at their time was not probably very sophisticated.

On true other hand library in Alexandria keeps secrets that our generation cannot have sure answers of how this knowledge arrived there.

Danican gave some sweet assumptions that could be believed in,but...

I will be later with some more answers or assumptions




