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Joe Downing

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8/14/2007 10:39:30 AM
Hello to all communion friends,

I am very thankful that we have the internet for several reasons:  to communicate with those far away from my home, to find understanding, to be amazed by all the beauties of the hearts.

We would not be able to have these discussions if it were not for the internet.  There are many things I would never have learned that made a great difference in my life if not finding the solution on the internet.

I chose to be a responsible parent.  My children are not allowed to freely browse the internet nor have email.  All correspondence is through mine or my wife's email.  When they are of age to be smart and strong of such matters, they will be released to fly like a dove.... free!

On other matters, yes everywhere you look you see children playing games on electronics.  It is rare to find their noses in a book exciting their brains with the painting of words and thoughts.  Children need guidance as do many adults in creating proper habits and dilligence to doing the right things.  I have found it is quite rewarding for myself and my children to spend as much time with them face to face as possible... no TV, no DVD, no electronic games... just us and our conversations and our smiles and our hugs and our hearts.

Thank you all for sharing insights on communion and relationships.  I am learning many things from each of you.

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Juliana Bond

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8/14/2007 10:55:16 AM
Joe, am I right that You home educate your Children as do I?

I have an extremely close relationship with my Children as You do Joe, that is not to say that Parents who send their Children to school have any less of a close relationship!

It's just that home educating puts you in a position where you spend a lot more time with your Child/Children. To sit face to face with your Children, without any electronics, TV dvd's ect is an enriching exerience in itself.

To talk to Our Children, more importantly to listen to Our Children is the Key to a good, close healthy relationship between Parent and Child.

A Child needs one on one care on a regular basis. A Child needs to feel loved, wanted, special and most of all, an important member of his or her Family.

So many Parents neglect to give their Child/Children this special time. So many Parents neglect to give their Child/Children any time! I have seen Parents 'plonk' their Child in front of the TV to spend time 'chatting' to friends on the phone!

So many Parent's DO allow their Children to wander freely out-doors, almost oblivious to the dangers their Child may face. Many Parents DO allow their Children to go online and talk to strangers.

It is so good to hear of Parents like You Joe who DO take their Parenting seriously!

Love and Hugs and Blessings to All

Sarah Pritchard

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8/14/2007 4:25:11 PM
Hello Branka,

Thanks for the invitation.  My goodness, this is deep and I'm feeling very tired tonight but I'll try to put in my pennyworth.

I believe that we all have a life purpose, a mission to fulfill.

We have to open ourselves up and look within before we can find out what that life purpose is.

I often say that you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family.  This is always when my mother has upset me again.  The relationship  between myself and my mother can never be described as a positive experience.  It is in fact usually a very negative experience.  Does this mean that all the negativity coming from her is my negativity being mirrored back to me?  What a horrid thought.

I won't go into details here because it wouldn't be fair on my mother, but there was a case of jealousy.  The connection between my Daddy and I was very strong.  When I was in my early teens my mother told me that I was an accident and that I always had been and still was.  Did that hurt?  Yes!  But was I an accident or was I expressly born to my parents or did I decide to be born to my parents?  Did I have a purpose to fulfill? I have a deep sense of the necessity to bring love to this world and it's people.  One starts giving out love with one's family.  In my case the love that I projected was accepted by my Daddy, my sisters and my brother, and nastily  rejected by my mother.

With the help of the angels I believe we can all make a difference. I try to find the positive in everyone and everything and I try not to dwell on the negativity surrounding my mother and our communion.  With the help of God's angels, I very often succeed but there are times......

That brings up another question.  Is this seeking of the positive a reason to have been born to my mother as a balance against her negative.  This could have been part of my purpose.  She did have a bad childhood, but that should not be an excuse for her behaviour and attitude toward her own children.  It had the opposite effect on me.

I am who I am.  I've been influenced by my parents. My mother was always putting me down and I therefore for a long time had an inferiority complex.  On the other hand, my Daddy always said: "You can do it."  He also said that I was the rebel of the family because I've always done things my way and I always ask why; I don't do things just because that's what others say we must do. Daddy told me about when he was a boy.  He was given the chance to go to the grammar school.  He refused to go because you had to wear a cap and the other children took the micky out of the grammar school boys.  He told me how much he regretted that decision made over something so silly.  He told me to be who I am and do what I think is the right thing to do regardless of what anyone else thinks or says.  I am doing just that.

I must admit that sometimes I stop myself from saying something or doing something because I picture my mother saying or doing it and I remember how I felt.  My sister says that she does the same........

Well, I'm so tired that my eyes are drooping.  I hope what I've written makes sense. 

I'm now off to bed.


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Ana Maria Padurean

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8/14/2007 4:38:05 PM
Hello Everyone here :-)

All day long I was preparing myself to find some time and post something I was thinking of last night after I've read the last posts. And here I am now, night again (in fact its already tomorrow LOL) and I should go to sleep!

Now there are more and I'm not sure which point to start with! I think I'll be back when I won't be so tired, this way there will be some more chances you to see what I meen/or mean?! Not sure at this hour!

With friends

8/14/2007 4:46:58 PM

Hello : Rajaram, Bill, Juliana, Dimitra,Zvonimir and Joe!

I am so grateful for your current posts! My first free time I`ll dedicate to reviews! Each post is very valuable and now I can feel how this forum rises in it`s dynamics.

My specially BIG, BIG THANK YOU and HEARTILY WELCOME, is for our dear and very special friend Sarah Pritchard. Sarah, your post is just wonderful! My joy was great reading it, but it will be much greater for one or two days, when I will deeper face to face with it!

Looking forward for your so desired and valuable returns, in my deep time after midnight, I bless & hug all of you!




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