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Jenny SJ

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Re: How DO You Choose Your Programme or Opportunity?
7/24/2007 1:45:29 PM
Hi Rudy,

It is my  opinion and one I have seen expressed by many people - especially those who still have contact with the offline world!

I am not suggesting that human nature is as noble as it might be - but off line we have a lot of regulations made to control us from the worst excesses - and punishments for it too.  Online the business world is still in its infancy in that respect  and the majority of unethical practices go unregulated and unpunished.

And you wonder why I dont do much internet marketing? lol  And having said that - I have noitced that you stick to the business that you know and can rely on - and consider is sustainable to you - and I have to admit - I hve not seen you round the internet promising millions of dollars a month for joining you! 

Jenny SJ

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Re: How DO You Choose Your Programme or Opportunity?
7/24/2007 1:51:34 PM
Hi again Arthur

Whilst I think your point is valid - there is still one difference.  The guy with fast car may and can be caught and punished - especially if he has caused an accident through his behaviour. And it might cost him money if he is fined.

The internet marketer,maybe goes bankrupt and avoids paying his creditors, or  dis
appears,  leaving  ruined lives and bank balances behind him behind him,  just dusts himself off,and cheerfully starts again on another programme - even with another name.  And nothing ever happens to him!

Judy Money

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Re: How DO You Choose Your Programme or Opportunity?
7/24/2007 2:55:54 PM

So how do I find something that doesn't take the money I can not afford to give up. I so desperately want to help my hubby with the income, but daren't take on anything that MIGHT cost me money.
Sorry for crying on your shoulder
Thanx again Judy
Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

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Re: How DO You Choose Your Program or Opportunity?
7/24/2007 3:15:44 PM
Judy, I'll bet a ton of wives  or (s.o.'s)  feel they must not pass up an opportunity to do something exactly what you are suggesting. Their strategy is to sign up w/ one or more of the well known product lines that we are familiar with and are almost household names. The opportunity comes in a box and is presented at house parties.

Spending the husband's money has its hazards if there isn't pay-back sooner than later. Vic-versa applies as well. When I started in Amsoil more than 18 years ago, my wife watched me like a hawk so see if I was spending her money. I was working shifts then so that wasn't an issue as much as it could be now.  The pay back for her was that she  is a partner in the venture and has to endorse the cheques before I deposit them.  The pay back for her is that she sees our vehicles in better shape and maintenance cost are less than when not using Amsoil with our vehicles twenty years ago. She's no dummy and knows a good deal when she sees one.

Such a program looks good at the start but takes more time than the initial promo declares. That's what has made the glorified chain letter and pyramid scheme so attractive however I do not endorse such in the slightest way.      
Arthur Webster

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Re: How DO You Choose Your Programme or Opportunity?
7/24/2007 3:36:47 PM

Hi, Jenny,

Not to labour the point but how many unexplained accidents that claim the lives of so many people every year are the result of some moron creating a situation which he has the acceleration to get away from while the poor, ususpecting victim dies?

Whole families have been killed in unexplained 'single car' crashes - they are only 'single car' because the car that caused them has got away. The driver probably didn't even look in his mirrors so, was probably unaware of the chaos and damage he had caused.

In a car, the victims are probably too slow to regain control and die in a state of sheer panic.

People robbed by internet marketers ARE ALL VOLUNTEERS!

They all bought into something that, if presented to them at a job centre, would have had them laughing hysterically all the way home thinking "they tried to tell me I will earn a fortune but I don't have to go into the office, I don't have to do any work because they are going to do it all for me, I don't have to sell anything, I don't have to speak to anybody - I just have to collect my pay cheques and cash them".

Reality check, anybody?

The Old Coot


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