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Arthur Webster

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Re: How DO You Choose Your Programme or Opportunity?
7/24/2007 11:49:55 AM

Hi, Judy,

Welcome to the real world!

There are hundreds of people at Adland and in other places who cannot see that publishing an out-right and obvious lie in their first line of text in a message tends to destroy the message. If you can't believe the first thing they say - how can you possibly believe what comes afterwards?

Unfortunately, the web does have a very strange effect upon far too many people.

It makes them gullible.

It makes them stupid.

It turns them into liars.

I refer back to my tongue-in-cheek post about needing a new Hummer because I had a puncture in the one I already owned.

I have had people asking me what programme I used and what my email (to my enormously responsive list) said.

Ohhh! The fun I could have had at their expense - and the money I could have made by selling them my secret (after all, like many of us, I have a hard drive just packed with great programmes).

The Old Coot

Jenny SJ

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Re: How DO You Choose Your Programme or Opportunity?
7/24/2007 12:55:33 PM
Hello to Arthur and Judy,

I cant fault your observationss about exagerated claims that are made when programmes are promoted - especially when the claims are simply the company's own publicity material duplicated and the referral name changed.

It is certainly food for thought that  normally honest and truthful people are willing to pass on these claims, knowing that in their case it is untrue - and often never having met personally anyone who has made that kind of money with their programme.  But it happens repeatedly.  It is almost as if people feel that entering a busines online takes away the necessity for normal business practices and ethics.  Then they cry "I have been scammed" when someone else does the same to them!

The reputation of internet marketing is at a very low point - due to scams, unsustainable mlms and other programmes and unworkable matrices.

It is to be hoped that the various regulatory authorities worldwide will eventually wake up to the fact that there is so much business done and money changing hands on the internet - that it is no longer a small side issue to business as a whole.  In fact, aided and abbeted by  the complications of mixed jurisdictions, scams are becoming more and more sophisticated and professional.  Maybe then some action will be taken to bring advertising standards online in line with those demanded off line for all businesses.  then and only will a little of the trust and credibility return.

Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

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Re: How DO You Choose Your Programme or Opportunity?
7/24/2007 12:59:00 PM
Must  respond to , "The fun I could have had at their expense - and the money I could have made by selling them my secret..."

This communicates to me that you should be commended for your higher than normal integrity, however on the other hand, perhaps hundreds here and probably millions elsewhere can't brag about such  a standard but they do exactly that, make a bundle off the expense of the gullible, stupid and those who can't tell or see the truth if their lives depended on it.

They live by the standards of a different world reality.

On the other hand, I believe there are many in this forum that don't brag about their higher than average standard and will be discrete in their choice of words to explain in a truthful way how their program and products and opportunities work and what to expect in terms of commissions and revenue. Some of these also have a heart of charity that gives without expecting anything in return.


Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

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Re: How DO You Choose Your Programme or Opportunity?
7/24/2007 1:15:27 PM
Re: The reputation of internet marketing is at a very low point - due to scams, unsustainable MLM's and other programs and unworkable matrices.

That is obviously you're opinion but when you qualify that, the words reputation, trust are not part of the reality. Nobody cares about reputation or integrity, except here maybe. Let's not overlook the fact that what happens here is only a sliver of what's happens on the web. Nobody cares about the returning of trust and credibility, maybe here and may you and I. If there's a ton of cash coming in, nothing else matters.
Then they cry "I have been scammed" when someone else does the same to them!
That's squewed the standards are. Recall the "Golden Rule", he who has the gold, rules. In other words, rules and standards apply to others as long as everything goes in the direction of #1.
I think it's sad but I agree with you and hope you stay on the straight and narrow, keep it up.
Arthur Webster

600 Posts
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Re: How DO You Choose Your Programme or Opportunity?
7/24/2007 1:41:31 PM

Hi, Rudy and Jenny,

The world of the Internet Marketer, fortunately, is only a very, very small part of what happens on the web.

As I have said before, I.M.ers have an almost incestuous relationship with each other and are quite happy to indulge in acts that, in the real world, they would never have the courage to perpetrate. Like locusts in a field of corn, they are all out to get what they can for themselves.

Regulation might help but let me put two questions to you - the first you will have seen many times:-

1) Why, when a driver gets behind the wheel of a fast car does he become an imbecile, determined to have his own way and drive every other imbecile off the road if they should get in his way?

2) Why, when he gets behind the keyboard of his computr does an internet marketer become a feckless. immoral, lying son of a bitch?

All the regulation in the world has not stopped idiots in their fast cars - why should it have any more effect upon idiots behind their keyboards?

The Old Coot

p.s. I know I am guilty of generalisation - but the good guys know who they are and probably have enough savvy to know I am using a very broad brush to make a very clear case.


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