Hi Jenny,
I agree with your take on the motivation thing and have seen many 'live their life' and their families lives, in and around the MLM program they belong to. With some it destroys their relationships with lifelong and steadfast friends who have no interest in it. A few even suffer deep relationship and personal breakdown.
However, they are convinced that as they are committed to the game of recruiting others into the dangers of self-destruct under the guise of the product (if there is one) is good for you, and to succeed you must attend the weekly 'prayer meetings', to be mesmerised by the success stories. You learn about how someone lost 12st and can walk again and you can buy the literature to use as flyers.
This is heady stuff! Organised and orchestrated by the 'heavies' and their henchmen and women. Our emotions can often be overwhelmed with the excitement of being a member of such an exclusive club which of course is open to all to join - after paying their entrance fee. Yep! That does not sound too exclusive to me?
How did they get there and become so intransigent I often wonder. Are they afraid to leave? - admit it was a mistake? Some do succeed - however that is largely because they have been completely taken over by this method of evangelical comradeship. What's more many stay with a small downline because it is just enough income to pay their monthly costs and maybe - just maybe - they can recruit another one or two and be in profit. Wowee...
Returning to the motivation word. Many ways to achieve that as you say. High on the list in the animal Kingdom is fear. This is also applicable to those that live in a herd culture. Man has preyed on this for thousands of years. Have you heard of the 'Judas Sheep' - does a great job leading others in to the slaughter house? Hmm...
I guess we end up where we are mainly as a result of life-drift - in jobs, homes and relationships. This is not quite the same as procrastination, as put forward by my learned friend Arthur. I contend that the difference is before making decisions we do not get our mindset right in respect of our self worth. Where are we on a scale of 1-10 about fear of success and again on fear of failure? Failing to address this leaves us firmly at the mercy of the exploiting mercenaries. We go through the motions of wanting to change jobs, homes and relationships to make the decision go away. This is continued through life by many in the form of procrastination because they never get their head round the primary cause of the misery they cause themselves and everyone connected to them.
How DO You Choose Your Programme or Opportunity? - Decide what you think will work for you. You can succeed or fail - your choice!
However if you do not try, how will you ever know? Maybe procrastination suits. On the other hand this forum has drawn a road map that many of us should be able to learn from and go forward with our ideas. But I implore you if you are doing this, learn to drive before going on the road. (Just as you did with your car!)
Have a Great Day.