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Barb Doyle

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Re: A Serious note . Professor tells Muslims to leave country
6/12/2007 6:07:41 PM

Hi Thomas,

Unfortunately I feel that there is a double standard. We are supposed to have free speech but we don't really. I feel that most Muslims are peace loving. It is the few extremists that cause the problems and make all Muslims look bad. As people we are more alike then we are different. We need to respect differences of opinion and not want to kill someone just because they think differently.

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc.

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Thomas Richmond

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Re: A Serious note . Professor tells Muslims to leave country
6/12/2007 6:24:58 PM

Thanks Barb for your honesty! wishing you a nice happy day my friend too.

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Melissa Fulwider

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Re: A Serious note . Professor tells Muslims to leave country
6/12/2007 9:53:27 PM

Interesting Thomas.

I have kind of a "messed up" view of the whole first amendment thing. 

I remember when flag burning was a big issue.  I am a daughter of a thirty year career military man who saw combat in several countries.  growing up in the military, I did not know any flag burners.  We were behind "our boys" (which included "our girls") all the way.  no ifs, no ands, no buts.

things are only a little different now.  so much is "pc" that it is hard for us to know what is and is not right at times because the rules change everyday.  look at all the people in the last year that have "gotten themselves in trouble by saying something inappropriate".  I won't bother to name names but here in The States there are many.  in order to have one standard you have to be willing to abide by that one standard even when it differs from your personal opinion.

back before i knew better, i said to the flag burners "i respect your right to burn the flag.  however, should i get it into my head that burning your clothes while your in them is a form of protest, i hope you will feel the same."  That is how i felt about flag burning - that strongly, that passionately.  my daddy gave the best of his life to defend the flag and all of us behind it.  we were not without sacrifice either - some of those "boys and girls" we loved didn't come home on thier feet. 

now i am a bit older and wiser.  i know that support is the strongest foe against protest.  I know that protest is neccessary in a democratic society.  I know that we have to be willing to be heard AND be willing to listen.  I know that right or wrong can be subjective.

and, of course, i know flag burners are often not flame retardant.

good topic, keep up the great work Thomas.

yours for the future, melissa The Adland Interviews :
Re: A Serious note . Professor tells Muslims to leave country
6/13/2007 12:55:48 AM

Thomas, my comments about your topic

  • How did it start
  • Danish cartoons portrayed the Prophet Muhammad as a terrorist
  • Muslim Student's Association protest
  • Wichman, Professor of Engineering gives an ultimatum
  • WHO NEXT, Will it end?

It is a never ending chain of hatred passing from the mouth of influential people - This has no beginning and probably no end-

As Barb said, people are generally peace loving.  Religious Hatred is not at the common man's level. I was born in India, studied in India. We- Hindus, Muslims and Christians lived together as neighbours. We went to the same schools. At lunch time, the school kids used to share the lunch packed by their Christian, Hindu or Muslims parents.  The only noticeable difference among us was- that Christians went to churches, Muslims went to mosques and Hindus went to temples for their worship. 

I was in primary school, still sharing my school lunch with my Hindu and Muslim friends, when THIS happened - India and Pakistan split into two countries because of religion, they said.... So, where was the problem? Certainly not in our families, not in our schools.  It was at the higher levels - among the politicians. -among the leaders -

May God bless all of us


Thomas Richmond

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Re: A Serious note . Professor tells Muslims to leave country
6/13/2007 1:12:59 AM

Thanks for your opinion and a very good one i might add, it is a dbl standard and i agree with most of you have said about your growing up experiances, thats why i put this up so all of you can see what we are really dealing with? Its like us who are working Christians i say that because i just dont go on sundays and be in a routine, i say this because i am disciple of Christ and teach as well as learn. This post was sent to me by my brother and so i wanted to share with you what , me, my church is reading and what to do about it? really nothing but pray, so goes my post, i wanted to hear from all of you. Maybe there could be a solution? dont know but what i do know is that as long as i remain faithful in His words i will be with Jesus.

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