Wow Pauline,
That is some forum intro.
I have loved your poetry, having seen it before.
So much of it should be put to music. Your poems make wonderful real-life hymns.
I always admired the old-time hymn writers, their discipline of beauty, use of words and their co=operation with wonderful composers set standards hard to copy, however, often those hymns missed the souls of ordinary folk who loved their Lord but did not have access to the deep theology that was used within these masterpieces. Then came the modernists who, in an attempt to relate their message to everyone brought us so many modern hymns, but often, tuneless and over-simple in their content.
Dear lady, your poems have a fresh and relateable quality which many of those modern hymns lack. If only we could bring you some inspired music to fit your prose.
We have come a long way from your post intro.
FAITH-REST has a rather different place in my heart.
Don't get me wrong when I say that my bible study is not THE priority at the moment. Almost everyone goes through challenges to their faith.
Sometimes these challenges follow a life-changing event, sometimes they follow a period of non-activity, we all, I am sure, know what I mean.
My last crisis of faith was not answered by Bible study, in fact I found that the more I studied and asked for answers the more questions I seemed to get. I tried harder, it got worse.
I asked and I asked, of Him, of others and of myself but no help was forthcoming AND THEN. Something told me to count the blessings not the reasons. Something said "what do you believe?" not "Why is this or that"
I then found that the "Blind Faith" that I had so despised in others was my answer. Did the things I didn't understand really matter? No. Did the things that contradicted or seemed to be unacceptable matter? No.
I discovered that faith can be big enough to move the mountains THAT I HAD BUILT. I find myself now in my FAITH REST.
I have the reassurances that I need. I have the experience to help me and I KNOW WHERE TO SEEK HELP. He is ever faithfull, constant.
I shall, no doubt, turn again to His word in depth when the time is right, but for now I have FAITH REST and I thank God.