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Pauline Raina

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Re: My Poetry Page No: 2 [DEVOTIONALS]
3/2/2009 1:06:26 AM

I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. I will give you the treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name. (Isa. 45:2–3)

These words and many more like unto this have I clung to more than ever since the beginning of this year.

Last weekend saw me enjoying more of it at our Church's Annual Conference held out of the city at a beach resort. The topic in focus was 'Always Keep yourself in the Love of God'. Being able to do it and feel it brings you to a place of 'Faith Rest'  another important study done that weekend.

One question to you my friends, have you reached that place of 'Faith Rest' ?

For me the last weekend was the culmination of events of the past that found me routed and grounded in this awesome truth, that no matter what hail or storm should come, I believe nothing can happen that will destroy me. It's a wonderful feeling to feel so secure, that I had to share it with you all. Would luv to read your thoughts on this and what you will have to share.

update: 7th May 2009

The Source of All Our Healing and All Our Strength

Abiding in the love of God is our only hope, the only true home for our hearts. It’s not that we mentally acknowledge that God loves us. It’s that we let our hearts come home to him, and stay in his love. MacDonald says it this way:

When our hearts turn to him, that is opening the door to him . . . then he comes in, not by our thought only, not in our idea only, but he comes himself, and of his own will. Thus the Lord, the Spirit, becomes the soul of our souls . . . Then indeed we are; then indeed we have life; the life of Jesus has . . . become life in us . . . we are one with God forever and ever.
(The Heart of George MacDonald )

Or as St. John of the Cross echoes,

O how gently and how lovingly dost thou lie awake in the depth and centre of my soul, where thou in secret and in silence alone, as its sole Lord, abidest, not only as in Thine own house or in Thine own chamber, but also as within my own bosom, in close and intimate union. (Living Flame of Love)

This deep intimate union with Jesus and with his Father is the source of all our healing and all our strength. It is, as Leanne Payne says, “the central and unique truth of Christianity.”

(Wild at Heart , 130–31)

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Here are some pictures taken while there !!

clear blue skies  & the sound of the waves !

Clear blue skies, rough waves, and I was the only person on the beach for miles n miles...some quiet moments !!!! taken around 6 am.

Later that afternoon.....having fun :-)

Havin fun at the Beach !!

FIRST RAYS OF SUNLIGHT.....never did we miss the sunrise while there..awesome feeling you get....we girls got there 4.30 am...sat on the beach praying, singing, telling stories, testamonies till we saw the sun rise and then got back to have breakfast ....would luv to live by the beach some day...thats one BIG BIG prayer request I have been asking God LOL !!

First rays of sunlight !!

If you go to my gallery here you will see more !!!

Thank you for dropping by...look forward to your thoughts

Be blessed always



Kim Stilwell

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Re: My Poetry Page No: 2 [DEVOTIONALS]
3/2/2009 1:27:39 AM

Pauline......Yes, there is a place, where perfect peace is....where all the cares and thoughts and worries of this world are's that place where it is said we are sheltered in the arms of God.   Our own minds are even quited that "nothing" but this peace envelopes us, so that when we do look up to realize where we are really , we realize we have been somewhere else....even though we were sitting right here.   Who has been to this place....where you seem to forget for a time this physical body almost...which you did not notice until you noticed....that your eyes felt like they were aglow and your you turn back to the present reality and realize you have been in God's presence....This is what we all need most....time in the Secret kim

Be Blessed here:



Dimitra Bravou

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Re: My Poetry Page No: 2 [DEVOTIONALS]
3/2/2009 2:13:51 AM
Hello Pauline,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and those wonderful photos.

Any place is good when we have inner peace. If we can get it, we are happy.

Here is a photo I took last summer near to my country home.



Pauline Raina

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Re: My Poetry Page No: 2 [DEVOTIONALS]
3/3/2009 8:29:23 AM
Dear Kim, Dimi,

Beautiful thoughts, Dimi luv the picture...must be an awesome place to live.

Thank you both for being the first to post here.

Heres something I got in the mail today...interesting thoughts!!

hugz n blessings


The Ugly Duckling Becomes a Beautiful Swan

The Phoenix rises from the ashes. Cinderella rises from the cinders to become a queen. The Ugly Duckling becomes a beautiful swan. Pinocchio becomes a real boy. The frog becomes a prince. The Cowardly Lion gets his courage, the Scarecrow his brains, and the Tin Woodman a new heart. They are all transformed into the very thing they never thought they could be.

Why are we enchanted by tales of transformation? I can’t think of a movie or novel or fairy tale that doesn’t somehow turn on this. Why is it an essential part of any great story? Because it is the secret to Christianity, and Christianity is the secret to the universe. “You must be born again” (John 3:7). You must be transformed. Keeping the Law, following the rules, polishing up your manners—none of that will do. “What counts is whether we really have been changed into new and different people” (Gal. 6:15). Is this not the message of the Gospel? Zacchaeus the trickster becomes Zacchaeus the Honest One. Mary the whore becomes Mary the Last of the Truly Faithful. Paul the self-righteous murderer becomes Paul the Humble Apostle.

And us? I doubt many of us would go so far as to say we’re transformed. Perhaps we have changed a bit in what we believe and how we act. We confess the creeds now, and we’ve gotten our temper under control . . . for the most part. But “transformed” seems a bit too much to claim. How about “forgiven and on our way”? That’s how most Christians would describe what’s happened to them. It’s partly true . . . and partly untrue, and the part that’s untrue is what’s killing us. We’ve been told that even though we have placed our hope in Christ, even though we have become his followers, our hearts are still desperately wicked. And of course, so long as we believe that our hearts remain untouched, unchanged, we will pretty much live untouched and unchanged. For our heart is the wellspring of life within us.

(Waking the Dead , 56–57)

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Carla Carey

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Re: My Poetry Page No: 2 [DEVOTIONALS]
3/3/2009 8:46:45 AM

Thanks for sharing the forum with me, it's certainly inspirational !!
God bless you sis !
Carla :)
Glad to make your acquaintance! Carla Carey

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