
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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What's NEW? Happy Sunday, have you visited these? Make a plan and change your reality!
5/20/2007 12:52:32 PM

Philoxenia # 17:
Philoxenia # 18:

A Queen - Three Graces - POTW The Magic Forum:

There are lots of other great threads at the Philoxenia forum:


Today I won't advertise to you, I have to go outside and plant flowers, LOTS of parents are coming to visit in a few days for my son's high school graduation.  I need to make my house look spiffy!  The last frost in West Michigan is the very end of May, so this is when I usually plant.  There were a few years when I planted flowers earlier and we had cold weather at nights so the 3rd week of May is the perfect time here.  Next week is Memorial Day weekend!

My son will be going into the Air Force on August 21st, right after his 18th birthday.  I've been going out to the running track with him every day so he can get into shape.  He's in shape already, he just needs more endurance, he'll be going to San Antonio, Texas, at the hottest time of the year.  They get up around 4 a.m. during bootcamp to exercise before the sun comes up.  Down there it's ALWAYS hot, even in the middle of the night!

Have a fantastic remainder of Sunday, your goals are what you make them!  A few years ago I decided I was sick and tired of my front yard with missing patches of grass, the black porch with large chunks of missing paint, yeah tired of it!  So we painted the porch red in 2003 and planted lots of flowers...the neighbors were beyond surprised!  So now we plant flowers every year and make sure any chipped paint is quickly slapped over.  One person's goal taken to action has turned into a beautiful front yard and a red porch, it really POPS!  We're no longer "That family with all those boys and the peeling paint.."  for the past few years we've been "The house with the red porch...and the big tall skinny one is joining the military, really? No way! Really!"  Much better.

P.S. Don't post ads in reply to this, start a new thread if you have an ad. THANK YOU!!

P.P.S.  For all of you who have been looking for something low cost and legitimate to join that doesn't go against your belief systems, I'll have news for you in a week or two. 

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Joe Downing

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Re: What's NEW? Happy Sunday, have you visited these? Make a plan and change your reality!
5/20/2007 2:28:01 PM
Hello Kathleen,

Congratulations to your son!  He will do great!  Get him used to drinking water, because if you don't drink regularly in San Antonio, you will suffer!

We have been planting flowers too.  A bit late on our garden, but it is going well.  There is nothing like nature in your back yard.  :)

I have to start painting my house next month.  I'm looking forward to it.  We are going to raise some eyebrows too.  All of our neighborhood's houses are dirty yellow beige with brown or dark trim.  Not us!  Going to change.  :)

Thanks!!!! Good to hear from you. AND I look forward to hearing your news.

***ADLAND BULLETIN BOARD*** What is Xtreme X2O? ###Get some X2O and Jerky RADICAL for the TRUTH! Laus Deo! ** HUG DEPARTMENT: Always OPE
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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Re: What's NEW? Happy Sunday, have you visited these? Make a plan and change your reality!
5/20/2007 2:55:45 PM
Hello Kathleen.

You are my  Angel in Michigan. If I visit USA, I promise to visit you. Here is a dance for you and Joe. You both my good friends will like this song at least the music. I  know you will.  When I get time I will translate the lyrics.

Joe I know that Kathleen like nice pitures.

For Joe

Click here to listen to the song
Warm Regards
ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
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Chris Agostarola

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Re: What's NEW? Happy Sunday, have you visited these? Make a plan and change your reality!
5/20/2007 4:10:03 PM

Congratulations to your son Kathleen!


Chris Agostarola LunaWolf's Mystical Essence FREE TO JOIN!!! Watkins rep#380993 to join :
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Judy Smith

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Re: What's NEW? Happy Sunday, have you visited these? Make a plan and change your reality!
5/20/2007 4:26:10 PM

Hi Kathleen!

That's what I did today after church.  I planted flowers, lots and lots of flowers.  Now I need some rain or I will be a slave to them with the hose all summer.

Thanks for the links to Philonenia.  Isn't Georgios just the best???

Wow, a high school graduate?  You look like a kid yourself!! How could you possibly have a son graduating fron HS?  Well, I think that is a sign of my ever increasing age - everyone looks younger. 

Great forum - glad I stopped and so nice to see your smiling face!

I had better go feed my hubby now or a head is going to roll and it will be mine!  We worked right through the afternoon to get the flowers in and I do believe he is as hungry as a bear!

Hugs and blessings, Kathleen!

here's a pretty garden for you already equipped with butterflies and birds


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