What a great thread! The following is actually an email I wrote and use very successfully to promote one of my businesses. It works because it touches a nerve without blatantly selling anything. I've removed the links because that's not my purpose for including it here.
Subject: Failed 2000 times and then....
Are you a frustrated marketer? Is your business Not growing
the way your sponsor led you to believe? Ae you even thinking
about... giving up?
Well, consider this.
Thomas Edison failed 2000 times before he got his lightbulb to
light but he didn't see it that way. He said that creating the
lightbulb was merely a 2000 step process.
He never gave up and the lightbulb went on.
A young and promising film-maker almost wrecked his career when
he began peddling an idea for a wildly entertaining film. The Studio
Suits and all their Experts agreed it was a great idea, but it just
couldn't be done. It wasn't possible to create his vision on film.
But he tried anyway while all of Hollywood howled with laughter.
He soon discovered the Suits were right. So he sat down with his
team, identified the problems and brainstormed some solutions.
The lightbulb went on.
By taking an innovative approach to using some new technology and
even creating some of their own, they went back to work. The little
movie that couldn't be made became a major blockbuster.
Star Wars changed forever the motion picture industry and no one
laughed at George Lucas anymore.
Success is a matter of perseverance. What Lucas and Edison had
In common was a passion and enthusiasm for their project. They
couldn't give up. Winners never do. They realize there is a gift in
their setbacks. They have gained knowledge and experience and
they take the next step knowing that eventually the lightbulb will
go on.
For as our friend Mr. Lucas might say, "The Force is with You."
Just a little something I thought might add to the discussion. If you are discouraged, maybe you have to make some changes, but don't give up. In my first three years of marketing I made a grand total of $36. Today, I'm not rich. Not yet. And I don't make thousands of dollars a day. Not yet. But I am making a living. My personal light bulb isn't blazing, but it is glowing.
If you are discouraged, take a deep breath, re-evaluate, make changes and persevere. Believe in yourself. You CAN do it!