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Overcoming Obstacles
5/18/2007 5:16:01 AM

Many people get into thinks with the idea that it's a fast money maker.  They're not.  But you do still have some programs that promise you a pie in the sky.  Working on line as affiliates with different companies marketing their products for a commission can be a lucrative business.  The problem is the way the structure is set up, it could be impossible to generate an income with some of them.

Here is a good example.  I am involved with a program called Free Store Club.  You can sign up for free, but to earn a profit you need to be a premium member.  They set it up as a binary program, so if your up line is recruiting, to will see your down line grow.  Here's the catch, as a premium member, you have to personally recruit 4 in each leg that upgrade to a premium membership before you get paid on even one.  They have a program NewNetMail, a private internet service where no one can send you a letter unless they are on your contact list, that works the same way.  They just released a new program called NewNetLife, that instead of paying monthly you make a one time payment on, and they're saing you can make as much as $20,000.00 a week.  This program is supposed to be product driven, which means you have to be spending money to make money.  In this case the only one making the money is the person who designed the software.  He's using the same products he sells in FSC.

This is why people who get into Internet Marketing can be discouraged.  You have some companies who promise the sky.  I like your method.  This is what networking is all about.  Affiliate markeying does work but you have to research the programs and how realistic their claims are.

Davida Shensky,President Career Performance Institute Success Is My Only Option and I help people To Create Your Own Success In Life
Dimitra Bravou

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Re: Overcoming Obstacles
5/18/2007 7:01:52 AM
Hi everyone.

All people feel discouraged when they find out that they had wrong vision. Nothing in real life is easy so why networking could be easy?

I agree with all posts here. We must see the whole picture when we join online companies and then proceed according to how much money we can spend doing online business. No business either online or offline can be made free. But we must know at the beginning of them the real cost and not to be pushed to join for free and then find out that we have to upgrade.

I hope everybody here will have the success he looks for.



Chris Agostarola

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Re: Motivation for the Discouraged!
5/18/2007 12:55:44 PM

Great post Neil! I'm sure it will encourage many. Even those not discouraged will get energized all over again! Thank you for sharing.


Chris Agostarola LunaWolf's Mystical Essence FREE TO JOIN!!! Watkins rep#380993 to join :
Barb Doyle

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Re: Motivation for the Discouraged!
5/18/2007 6:34:26 PM

Hi Neil,

Great post! I have found that one of the most important things is to know why you are doing what you are doing. When you have a big enough "why" you can get through the disappointments that are inevitable. To achieve success in any area in life takes effort. The reason why it's called an "opportunity" is because some will say yes, some will say no. If everyone said yes it wouldn't be called an opportunity. Look at anyone who has achieved success. They hung on until they made it.

Peace, Health and Prosperity,
Barb Doyle, Sc.

You can sit around and wish your life was better or you can make it happen. Let us help you make it happen!


Neil Sperling

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Re: Motivation for the Discouraged!
5/18/2007 7:00:37 PM

Davida, Dimitra, Chris and Barb - Thank you all for sharing your insights.

So True- the program HAS to be true to it's promises as well.

That being said, if you build your engine here at Adland properly- should you find the program you are with is not up to par, you simply place your engine in another.... but follow Davida's and Dimitra's advice- reasearch the programs first!

I've experimented with "Join FREE" programs - Yes you can make money - but the hours of effort to get to the point of profit is usually so great that the return on your "time invertment" does not make it worth while. (in most cases)

Build your engine gang - and place it in a ship worthy of the oceans of your path in life.

Thanks again for dropping in.....



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