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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Mighty Oaks
5/26/2007 3:00:01 PM
Sarah, Thank you for your story. I too was greatly touched by what trees can do as a living memorial. My father planted a yellow cherry tree in his early 70's and remarked that he would never live to enjoy the fruit. But he did and so we are reminded to leave something for the next generation. No one knows who may sit under your tree, Sarah and enjoy its shade and shelter. You have shared a beautiful story.
Sarah Pritchard

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Re: Mighty Oaks
5/26/2007 3:27:12 PM
Hello Mary,

I hadn't shared that story with anyone before.

I was actually  sitting next to Daddy's tree yesterday.  Shared some of my wishes with it.

best wishes,

Sarah P
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Vel Am

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Unmovable objects at Arlington Cemetery >>
7/18/2007 11:46:47 PM

Subject: Arlington Cemetery

You probably know all this:

One evening, the bonus question on Jeopardy was . How many steps does the guard take during his walk across the tomb of the Unknowns?

All three contestants got it wrong

This is really an awesome sight to watch if you've never had the chance Very fascinating.
Tomb of the  Unknown Soldier

1. How many  steps does the guard take during his walk across the tomb of the Unknowns and  why?

21 steps. It alludes to the twenty-one gun salute, which is the highest honor given any military or foreign dignitary.


2. How long does he hesitate after his about face to begin his return walk and why?  

21 seconds for  the same reason as answer number 1


3. Why are his gloves wet?


His gloves are moistened to prevent his losing his grip on the rifle.


4. Does he carry his rifle on the same shoulder all the time and

if not, why not?  

He carries the  rifle on the shoulder away from the tomb.
After his march across the path,
he executes an about face
and moves the rifle to the outside shoulder.  


5. How often are the guards changed?  

Guards are changed every thirty minutes,
twenty-four hours a day, 365 days a  year.


6. What are the  physical traits of the guard limited to?

For a person  to apply for guard duty at the tomb, he must be
between 5' 10" and 6' 2"  tall and his waist size cannot exceed 30." Other
requirements of the  Guard: They must commit 2 years of life to guard the
tomb, live in a  barracks under the tomb, and cannot drink any alcohol on
or off duty for  the rest of their lives. They cannot swear in public for the
rest of their  lives and cannot disgrace the uniform {fighting} or the tomb in  
any way. After two  years, the guard is given a wreath pin that is worn on
their lapel  signifying they served as guard of the tomb. There are only
400 presently  worn. The guard must obey these rules for the rest of their
lives or give  up the wreath pin.
The shoes are specially made with very thick soles to  keep the heat
and cold from their feet. There are metal heel plates that  extend to the
top of the shoe in order to make the loud click as they come  to a halt.
There are no wrinkles, folds or lint on the uniform. Guards  dress for duty
in front of a full-length mirror.
The first six months  of duty a guard cannot talk to anyone, nor
watch TV. All off duty time is  spent studying the 175 notable people laid
  to rest in  Arlington  National  Cemetery. A guard must  memorize who they are

and where they  are interred. Among the notables are: President Taft, Joe
E. Lewis {the  boxer} and Medal of Honor winner Audie Murphy, {the most
decorated soldier  of WWII} of Hollywood fame.
Every  guard spends five hours a day getting his uniforms ready for
guard duty.  


In 2003 as  Hurricane Isabelle was approaching Washington,  DC, our
US  Senate/House took 2 days off with anticipation of the storm. On the ABC  
evening news, it was reported that because of the dangers from the  
hurricane, the  military members assigned the duty of guarding the Tomb of
the Unknown  Soldier were given permission to suspend the assignment. They  
respectfully  declined the offer, "No way, Sir!" Soaked to the skin,
marching in the  pelting rain of a tropical storm, they said that guarding
the Tomb was not  just an assignment, it was the highest honor that can be
afforded to a  serviceperson. The tomb has been patrolled continuously,
24/7, since  1930.

God Bless and  keep them.

- - Matthew 6:33 “Keep on, then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these [other] things will be added to YOU. 34 So, never be anxious about the next day, for the next day will have its own anxieties. Sufficient for each day is its own badness. .. . . . Jeremiah 33: 3 ‘Call to me, and I shall answer you and readily tell you great and incomprehensible things that you have not known.’”
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Mighty Oaks
7/29/2007 4:26:52 PM
Hi Val, Some things are unstopable. Guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, guarding the royal palace, plants that reproduce and so many other examples of things that seem to be eternal. We find comfort in tradition and wouldn't want to see things change. Someone was not willing to let the old oaks go and so they found a new use for them. Thanks for stopping in.
Neil Sperling

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Re: Mighty Oaks
7/29/2007 4:34:36 PM


Nice to see you..... I've missed my classy Teacher!

Drop by Sam Sunday's Articles of Virtue threads - they are amazing!



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