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Arthur Webster

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Re: Mighty Oaks
5/3/2007 3:12:56 AM
Hi, Mary,

This just goes to demonstrate what I have always believed - There is no evil that does not produce good while nothing ends without a beginning though the beginning does not presage the end.

The Old Coot
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Mighty Oaks
5/3/2007 3:33:59 AM
Hi Marilyn, Would you say that was a true recyle. What could have been destroyed was saved to a new beauty.
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Mighty Oaks
5/3/2007 3:35:47 AM
Hi Lucy, When life gives us lemons, make lemonade?
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Mighty Oaks
5/3/2007 3:41:39 AM
Hi Bj. Thanks for stopping in. I was unaware of your location but your profile reveals you are from Laurel, Ms. Because of your post we now have a better understanding of you. I am reminded that at the death of a friend or relative we often renew and make new friends through our grieving. So it is, the death of 4 trees helps us understand better the trials with which you have been dealing. Be strong like the oak, BJ. The memories will linger and you can share with the next generation just as the mighty oak shares its shade, acorns, etc. to the next generation.
Re: Mighty Oaks
5/3/2007 8:07:08 AM

Hi Mary,

These are incredible pictures and carvings.  That something so beautiful can come from such a disaster is uplifting, and makes me feel very humble and small.

Your friend,

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