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Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Mighty Oaks
5/3/2007 11:40:29 AM
Hi Nan, It is good to pause and reflect sometimes. A little time away from your work was probably a nice break.
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Mighty Oaks
5/3/2007 11:44:16 AM
Hi Phil, You well stated it. Spirit of the people live on in these trees as shown through the creative soul of the devastated phyical bodies.
Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Mighty Oaks
5/3/2007 11:50:58 AM
Alright now Arthur, You sent me to the dictionary on that one. I understood: from every evil some good will come of it. nothing ends without a new beginning Then you lost me. For anyone else baffled by your complicated sentence it means that there is no warning, (omen), as we have no warning of the evil to come. We knew Katrina would hit but no one understood the long term consequences. If victim of Katrina has relocated to Ohio, who would have ever guessed that you would be living with the Yankees. Thanks for educating me!!!
Re: Mighty Oaks
5/4/2007 10:52:14 AM
Thanks Mary,

Great Website..that I will share..
I live in California where Oak Trees
are protected..

Mary Hofstetter

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Re: Mighty Oaks
5/4/2007 12:24:05 PM
Hi Cherry, Good to see you and so glad you enjoyed destruction made into something good. I did not know that the oak were in danger in California. Enjoy what we have and protect it with courage.