Karen Carcel - (9/14/2006 3:45:10 PM) : |
I cured my self so I new Icould cure every body else. Suggest to you watching the www.thesecret.tv, where I bought a million Shares in prime time productions, maybe you have not heard of them.I also suggest that you check out the following websites for your perusal. Unless you are frightened something nice might just happen to you.www.naturalcures.com, www.healthscienceinstitute.com, www.mindpowernews.com
Don't you think you owe this knowledge to your children or are you Happy to see the government keep poisoning you for a billion dollar Industry of prescription drugs meant to kill if you are happy with this take no Notice because how you sleep at night with this knowledge is beyond My imagination I have enclosed my poem which is being published.
DESIRE@Karen Carcel
Desire is the serum of the soul secreted to the universe in thought Binding the energies of creation form given genesis in one new Image. I am, I am what I will I will what I believe I believe what I Accept I accept what I love I love what I am I am.
Have a nice day Karen
Manifestation According to Gods Infinite Creativity
Favourite Links Agel-World Natural Cures Health Science Institute |
Jennifer Maxwell - (9/14/2006 3:45:10 PM) : |
Hi Karen,
Thank you for the 10 rating!
I watched The Secret once, and have bought the DVD so I can watch it anytime I choose.
Warm regards, Jen |
James Max - (7/16/2006 9:57:29 AM) : |
Hey Jennifer,
You know I named my daughter after you so you must be one of the best friends I have here at adland. You are such a caring, helpful and loving person to have as a friend.
I can't find a better number on the rating card, so you will have to settle for a 10 in my book.
Thanks for being my friend.
With Love From VVegas max |
Dale Rolefson - (5/22/2006 4:16:26 PM) : |
I like to make friends! Hi Jennifer, This is Dale Rolefson, Worldprofit/Consultant. Well known Internet Services Company I am sorry, I was woundering why my links where dead. because I try them and they work then. Thank you have a good one! PS. This is not a oppertunity, It is a Business. If you like go and look at the sites now it should be ok now. Thank you! |
Jennifer Maxwell - (5/22/2006 4:16:26 PM) : |
Hi Rolf,
Okay, will do.
Regards, Jen |
Mohamed Gani - (5/11/2006 2:55:23 PM) : |
My Dear Friend Jennifer Maxwell.......!
I am much pleased to bring to your kind notice that I have rated your goodself : 10 out of 10...............!
You really deserve this Honour........!
Your Grand Children are very sweet and Cute!
Please convey my kind enquiries and best regards to all the members of your family !
My love and affection to Children ........!
May God bless you with all "His Riches" (Amen)......!
With lots of Love, Affection, Respect and Prayers...........!
Your Ever Loving Friend, Your Bad Boy...........(LOL), Mohamed Khadar Gani. |
Jennifer Maxwell - (5/11/2006 2:55:23 PM) : |
Hi Mohamed,
Thank you very much! I've never been rated before, so this is a surprise to me.
Your thoughtfulness and blessings are very touching.
God bless you, Jen |