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Re: I need your Thoughts
4/28/2007 10:23:35 PM

Now I know another Human Rightist beside Luther King in America. Thank youi

Thanks for the Forum. Nice to see you again Philip Low c.m.o. My Cabby Career
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Re: I need your Thoughts
4/30/2007 12:22:02 PM
Hi me dearest Kathy!  :-) WOW!  You got some cahones girfriend!  I wouldn't even attempt this one.  But I will carefully.....and respectfully....attempt to share what is also available @

Martin Luther King jr.

  • A devout Chirstian man in love with God
  • 1964 Nobel Peace Prize recipient
  • A very educated man
  • Civil Rights activist
  • Advocated that black Americans should be compensated for historical wrongs
  • The FBI believed that King was a communist
  • Organized NON-VIOLENT protests
  • One heck of a powerful speaker
  • Passionate about his beliefs
  • An expierienced and educated man in the art of "apologetics"
*for those who don't know what this's basically a skillset used for the puroses of debating and pursuading others.
  • He inspired millions who to stand up for their rights

Malcom X

  • A Black Muslim minister
  • a convicted drug dealer and thief
  • National spokesman for the nation of Islam
  • Founder of Muslim Mosque Inc.
  • Human rights activist
  • Hated white people because his brother was killed by white men
  • He explained in his autobiography that he put on a display to avoid the draft by telling the examining officer that he couldn't wait to organize with other Black soldiers and get his hands on a gun so he could "kill some crackers."
  • Was diagnosed and had received tratment for pre-psychotic paranoid schizophrenia
  • He was a very compelling public speaker who could move thousands @ a time
~ Drummerboy Keep on thinking positive…..thank God for everything that’s good in your life……..and make it a great week!

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Re: I need your Thoughts
4/30/2007 1:38:39 PM
GREAT JOB, You know visual is always better!!!!
And you know me Brian, I am a mother Theresa,I go where no man dares!!!!
Thats why I am me!!!!lol lol
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking

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