
Who is Philip Low Singapore Cabby?

Philip Low Singapore Cabby

Philip Low Singapore Cabby
BirthdayTuesday, December 28, 1948
Member SinceTuesday, October 1, 2002
Last ActivitySunday, October 4, 2009
LocationSingapore, Singapore, Singapore Singapore
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About Me
About Me
My profession is sales amd marketing, specialising in the office product marketing. Now, I am kind of 'retired' from doing job that required me to be away from home. Networking and home based businesses caught my fancy lately. It is more fun working at the comfort of my home, I can dress casually and either working lying down in my sofa bed or sitting up in my easychair to work on my laptop or my new A5 light weight tablet pc with touch screen. This is my current lifestyle. I also on purpose chosen to work 3 offline mlm, so that give me excuse to get away from home :) Working at own pace and time is more fun. I can listen to my favourite music, or watching a TV program while doing my auto exchangers, bult mailing from from software, or on time to visit many adlandpro forums
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Jan (aka) Jaz Green - (12/26/2009 12:06:04 AM) : Happy Birthday
Chris Van Staden - (11/23/2008 9:50:38 AM) : Hi Philip,

Good one. I wish you very success.

Roy Portier - (3/22/2007 12:01:37 PM) : extraincomecreation I search it on google and Yahoo your ranking is 1 out of 147

Have a nice day

Philip Low Singapore Cabby - (3/22/2007 12:01:37 PM) : Hi Roy and nice family,

Xie Xie Ni Men (Thank you to all)

Please visit my slide show
James Wright - (9/16/2006 9:34:52 PM) : Sounds like my kindof lifestyle!!! Jim
Philip Low Singapore Cabby - (9/16/2006 9:34:52 PM) : Well, well, James,

Thank you for the accolade.

Yes, I live on easylifestyle nowadays. I just learn too about doing well on the web. Just treat it as a game. Every time, your ranking in search engines is up, you score a top point. Every time someone join one of your money spinner, another point.

Now I got team up with Brent in his HIT machine.

Do you want to check it out or miss it. It is OK to me.

I have embedded at the Left top for any Adlandpro discovery.

Thanks again.

Philip Lowe from Singapore
Tuxuyen Thitruong - (8/11/2006 9:10:54 AM) : Connection in connection, you will create a series of global commerce.


This is a e-commerce website of high-quality electronic products of Vietnamese, please fill out and send us, we will connect to and answer by email for you, all for free in 10 years.

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Please send us a logo with size <50kB.
For your benefit, for the development of globalizing commerce. We wish you would be interested in this mail.

looking to web
Philip Low Singapore Cabby - (8/11/2006 9:10:54 AM) : Hi beautiful,

I missed your posting of rating email.

Kam Hearn Yew Yew (Thank you very much)

Please to invite you to a free Vacation soon in Singapore or in Australian soon.

Visit my site
Jos Van Doorn - (6/3/2006 5:58:06 AM) : Hi brother from Singapore,

Here's Malaysia. Always nice to meet somebody from over the bridge. Get in touch. You can send me an e-mail.
Philip Low Singapore Cabby - (6/3/2006 5:58:06 AM) : Sorry it took me a year to receive online notice.

Slower that postal service.


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