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Neil Reinhardt

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Re: The Mythology Behind Global Warming
4/17/2007 2:09:00 AM
Well Guys. SOME people MAKE SIMPLE things complex. The botome line is GLOBAL means the GLOBE. You know the round thing with a top and a bottom which are not really the top and the bottom only that is how we refer to them. We have "Down Under" & "Up Over" and we have the ICEY ends WHICH ARE MELTING! BOTH ENDS ARE MELTING AND ALL THE GLAICERS INBETWEEN ARE MELTING! THIS MEANS THERE IS GLOBAL WARMING! PERIOD!!!!!! END OF STORY!!!! SO STOP GIVING ME YOUR TOTAL BS! NEIL
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Neil Reinhardt

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Re: The Mythology Behind Global Warming
4/17/2007 2:57:20 AM
And, Oh yea. What intelligent, logical and rational reasons can you possibly have for denying humans are NOT responsible for around 30% of the present cycle of Global Warming? Will the economy, all of a sudden come to a screeching halt? Will gas prices all of a sudden get as high in the US and Canada as they already are (& have been for years) in Europe and much of the rest of the world? Do you not believe the BILLIONS of motor vehicles spewing their pollutants, the MANY coal burning plants and all other things we do which harm the air and water have NO negative effect? Do you have any clue what is happening to the corals and fish? The jungle lands where many hundreds, if not thousands, of acres are cleared EVERY Day? Knock Knock, time to wake up! Neil
This Grumpy Old Son Of A Beach says: For a simple, inexpensive, and great tasting, way to earn money, click here: ----------------------- -------------------- And for a progam which is better than most mlm's I know of
Arthur Webster

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Re: The Mythology Behind Global Warming
4/17/2007 3:42:37 AM

Hi, Neil,

Nobody is saying that human activity is not responsible for around 30% of the present cycle of global warming.

What we are saying and what the vast majority of professional, responsible and qualified climatologists are saying is that there is no evidence of global warming.

The general temperature trend, over all, is downwards and has been for about 50 years.

Yes, some ice is melting but there is far more ice being formed than is being lost - the evidence for this is overwhelming but it doesn't scare any body so it does not get reported except within the expert community.

Localised effects are being felt all over the world. Some of it can be put down to human intereference. Some of it can be put down to the cyclical nature of the climate. Some of it can be put down to severe tectonic activity.

Nobody denies that humans, the greatest poluter, should clean up their act, but polution takes far more forms than CO2 emmissions.

If the composition of the atmosphere was represented by a straight line 100 yards long, CO2 would be represented by less than 1.3 inches of that line. I think you will be able to see that the effect of this tiny amount of gas on the whole planetary biosphere is being somewhat over-stated.

It would probably be far better if all the guff and hullabaloo about CO2 was ysed to highlight the much more devastating effect human indifference is having on the whole ecosystem.

The Old Coot

Dave Cottrell

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Re: The Mythology Behind Global Warming
4/22/2007 2:05:56 AM
Hi Neil and Arthur, It's great having an old coot and a sun of a beach as friends!! lol!! I have to agree with the old coot that if everyone paid more attention to cleaning up after themselves and keeping our planet clean, we'd all be a lot better off. Regardless of what conclusions people draw about global warming given the available data, the fact is that global pollution is what we should be concentrating on dealing with. Instead, we keep waiting for governments and the other guy to do something about it. The bottom line is, when the air you're breathing is brown, it's killing you. When the water you drink is full of chemicals, it's killing you. When your fruits and veggies are grown in soil that is laced with fallout from air pollution, horribly depleted from overuse and undermanagement, and shored up with chemical fertilizer and pesticides, they're killing you. Neil, one of the reasons the noni you are so sold on works so well is because it is grown in a virtually pollution free and chemical free environment and in very healthy volcanic soil. It's loaded with the best from the earth and free from the worst from humans. If we ALL cleaned up our act, global warming could no longer be debated on as a product of human activity. If the globe warmed up, we'd have to learn to live with it and make the best of it. If it cooled down... ditto. The only reason for all the debate right now is because, deep down, we all know we're making an ugly mess. God bless, Dave
Gerri Decher

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Re: The Mythology Behind Global Warming
4/22/2007 2:48:44 AM
Hi Dave,
Well put and thank you for creating this forum.
Cheers, Gerri